My father was a police officer for 27 years. He was an officer before he was my father; before I was even a possibility. Every day of my life, being a daughter to a cop has affected the way I am today. I am my father's daughter, and though I have no desire to be a cop, I do want to help save the world just like him.
1. Being known as the house with the police car
Your friends never really needed directions to your house for sleepovers. Everyone knew your house because of the cop car that sat in the driveway, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
2. Knowing he was home by hearing the unloading of his gun
I'm assuming most little girls know their father is home by the sound of his keys being hung up. I always knew my daddy was home by his heavy boots marching across the floor and the click click of a gun being unloaded and the bullets being put safely away. I was never able to sleep well until I heard those noises.
3. Nothing is cooler than being dropped off at school in a police car
I never missed the bus on purpose, but I did love the moments my dad drove me to school. It was always so awesome being in the cop car and feeling uber important. I think the only thing that would beat the awesomeness would probably be riding in a fire truck.
4. The world is scary, but there are good people out there.
Sometimes my dad would leave his notepad on the counter where he made notes from work calls. I remember quite a few mornings while pouring my morning cereal I'd read about terrible things that had happened while I was asleep and I no longer felt safe going to school. Of course, I'd remind myself that's the reason guys like my dad exist. They're there to protect us.
5. Don't mess with her - her dad's a cop
Speaking of protecting, no one did much picking on me at school, especially when I was younger. The kids thought they could be arrested if they made me cry. Of course, this isn't true, but I wasn't about to tell them that.
6. Missing spelling bees/plays/dances
My dad worked a lot. Being a cop is a 24/7 job. Even when you're home, you're still a cop. Sometimes he missed important moments and I know it killed him. I don't hold any grudges though. My dad was out there keeping the world safe for me to be in plays and spelling bees.
7. The over protectiveness you love but hate
There were certain parts of town I wasn't allowed in. I couldn't be anywhere alone after dark. I had to call to let him know where I was and where I was going. God bless all of my past boyfriends who had to go through the talk with him. He literally has a list of rules. The last one being "I have access to a gun, 10 acres of land, and a shovel. I know how to use all three."
8. There are two types of people in the world. Those who run away from danger and those who run towards it.
9. Holidays aren't always holidays for him
Bad guys don't stop being bad guys just because it's Christmas. Actually, a lot of terrible things happen on Christmas. New Year's Eve too. My dad never got a break from being a cop. He was always on duty to protect our family and everyone else.
10. He's your hero
A lot of little girl's hero is their daddy, but mine actually saves lives. He's amazing and has done so much good for the world. I wish to be even half as great as him in the end.
11. The world is worth saving; but it's not up to you anymore.
The saddest thing my father ever said to me was that after 27 years of being a cop, he figured out it wasn't worth saving. I can see where he came to that conclusion. Life is rough as a cop and it's not like they're getting much thanks these days. But, for once, Daddy, you're wrong.
The world is still worth saving. There are good people who need help. There are bad people who need to be stopped. You did 27 years of amazing work and it has made you weary. I still see the world as worth saving and I will find a way to help. No, it won't be in the same way you did, but it is because of you I want to try.