We all have those days where nothing is going right and it seems like the best idea is to just give up.
We pressure ourselves to always have good days, and to never admit that we are not, in fact, invincible.
But it turns out that we are only human and that we should be kind to ourselves even if we feel like we don't deserve it. So for those days when you don't have a clue what to do, here are eleven things that its really OK to do in college.
1. Ask For Help
This is something most people struggle heavily with. Most teachers, managers, and professors will have literally no problem with it if you need something from them. Whether it's asking for help with a difficult math problem, or finally dragging yourself to the counseling center, this one is one of the most crucial things you can do to help yourself.
2. Ask For An Extension
Again, this goes back to the first point. It's alright to tell your teachers if you are very stressed, have a ton of work to do, and you know ahead of time that you will not be able to complete your work on time. In my own experience, every time I've asked for one, the extension has given me just enough time to do what I need to do and yet still allow me to submit my work without losing too much of the grade. #majorkey
3. Not Go To Class That One Day Where Your Life Is Falling Apart
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Just like your best perfume- use this one sparingly and the better it will all be.
4. To Be Imperfect
Thank you, Justin. #preach. It's okay to not be okay sometimes, and so many of us spend our entire lives trying to do the impossible that we forget that even Justin Bieber himself makes mistakes.
5. To Just Have A Night In With The Gals/Guys
Sometimes, instead of dancing the night away, we need to just kick back and relax with the people who love us and are totally okay with coloring books, comfy pajamas, and eating vats of cookie dough on a Saturday night.
6. To Make New Friends...
7. ...And To Lose A Few, Too
There is nothing wrong with removing unhealthy people from your life. In fact, its necessary for growth as a person, but until you give yourself permission to do this it can be very difficult to lead the life you want to live.
8. To Skip Leg Day At The Gym
Working out is definitely important to your health, but so is naptime. Naptime is definitely important. Especially when you have several tests or projects due in one small period of time, and you can't recall having eaten anything in the last twelve or thirty-six hours.
9. To Admit You Were Wrong
Perhaps that one person we didn't like in our English class is now our best friend. Or maybe we insisted on doing something that hurt someone else. Either way, there is always room for forgiveness, if we'll only be brave enough to ask for it.
10. To Save Only One Person- Yourself.
As the saying goes, you have to put on your oxygen mask before you can save someone else. It's not mean or cruel to save yourself first, it's absolutely necessary.
and finally,
11. Live. Learn. Grow. Repeat.
Imperfection- It's what makes us human, and brings us together despite our differences. Embrace your difficulties, and you'll be one step closer to becoming the person you want to be.