We all have seen those cute sloth videos on the internet. Being that I am a huge Sloth fanatic, and have probably a little too much fun researching these fuzzy little creatures, I figured I would share some fun facts you probably don't know about Sloths.
First of all, I should get to the disclaimer. Although these little creatures are cute and fuzzy, they are exotic animals. That being said, you should never take a sloth out of its natural habitat to be a house pet. Since there has been a slow increase in the amount of people who want to have sloths as pets, the Pygmy three toed sloth has less than 100 left in the wilderness and will most likely go extinct.
Back to the brighter sides of things, here are some fun facts about sloths I'm sure you didn't know!
1. There are more than one species!
In fact, there are seven! There are the Maned sloths, Pygmy Three-toed sloths, Hoffman's two-toed sloth, Linnaeus's Two-toed Sloth, Pale-throated Sloth, and the Brown-throated Sloth.
2. Sloths are excellent swimmers!
While sloths may be slow and clumsy on land, they are in fact excellent swimmers! These guys have been known to drop from tree branches and into water on a hot day to cool down.
3. Sloths only urinate and defecate once a week!
Because sloths are such slow mammals, and they sleep more often than others, they have a slower digestive system which results in their need too defecate and urinate only once a week.
4. Sloths Sleep on average for only 10 hours a day!
Contrary to popular belief, sloths do not sleep all day! On average they sleep for 10 hours a day. Because they're so slow moving, it takes a lot of energy for them to do even the simplest daily tasks.
5. The algae that grows on their back camouflages them into the trees!
The algae that grows on the back of a sloth is unique. The exact species of algae that grows on their back grows only on the backs of sloths. How cool?!
6. Sloths can keep their grip even after death!
Sloths are known for living in trees. Because these animals spend most of their days in trees, they have to have a strong grip. The grip that these majestic creatures have is strong enough to keep them attached to trees even after they die.
7. Three-toed sloths can turn their head almost 360 degrees!
Because sloths spend most of their day belly up, they have adapted over time to be able to turn their head 270 degrees!
8. Sloths are nocturnal creatures!
This little known fact makes sense once you think about it. Since sloths sleep for an average of ten hours a day they need to let their energy out somehow!
9. They're mostly solitary creatures!
Sloths only gather to mate and mothers stay with their child for a short period of time!
10. They have a 7 to 10 month gestation period!
Sloths gestation period ranges from species to species. The pygmy would have the shortest gestation period and larger ones would have a longer gestation period.
11. Sloths can live up to 40 years old!
Sloths are so majestic and beautiful that they can live for up to 40 years. Just more time we have to admire their cuteness!
Sloths are beautiful creatures that should be respected and well cared for. Just like any other wild animal, you should never capture one to keep as a pet. Because sloths are well hidden in their habitat, it is impossible to know how many or how few there really are. That being said, we should not allow these beautiful creatures to be kept as pets, or go extinct.