With only a few days left living in my freshman dorm or any dorm ever, I have realized that I will miss it more than I expected. Coming into college, I didn't realize how much living in a dorm would impact my freshman experience and how many memories I'd create from living there. And though I am excited to move out of the dorms and into apartment living, here are a few things I'll miss about living in my freshman dorm.
Free food.
Nothing made my night better than wings magically appearing in the lounge or leftover pizza in the fridge that said “feel free to take” on the box.
My bathroom being cleaned on the daily.
Though I am completely capable of cleaning my own bathroom, I would rather not. (Shoutout to Liz!)
Maintenance staff.
Put a work order in, and it’s fixed within 24 hours. How much more efficient can it be?
Being able to reach my fridge and microwave from my bed.
It’s sad to think that I’ll actually have to get up and walk to the kitchen next year when I want a snack.
Midnight snack runs.
With the convenience store being right across the green and Starbucks being a five minute walk away, how could you say no to a midnight frap?
Being a close walk to campus.
Currently it takes me 20 minutes at most to get to class. Next year 20 minutes will be my shortest walk.
The permanent smell of Ramen in the hallway.
As a rule of thumb, the worse the menus are at the dining hall, the stronger the smell becomes.
Window Post-It messages.
I'm definitely going to miss sneaking into friend's room and writing words on their windows like "1738" or "YAS B" with Post-It notes. I'll also miss seeing other peoples' dorm windows that said things like "Trap Dorm" or "I'm Naked."
2 a.m. dance parties.
It's not complete without our favorite Far East Movement and Flo Rida songs from seventh grade.
Hall gossip.
Nothing starts your day like overhearing while you’re brushing your teeth that so-and-so blacked out and did something crazy.
Always having someone to hang out with.
There never has to be a dull moment. Just go down the hall to the lounge and someone is always up for something, whether it be grabbing some lunch or just sitting around talking.