We're all guilty of it, we put off our studying in any way we can possibly think of. Here are just a few ideas on what to do when you're procrastinating your studying.
1. Netflix
...to state the obvious.
2. Browse Facebook
Nothing like resurfacing your friends' old, embarrassing pictures.
3. Online shop
Because it's fun to imagine you can buy all the things.
4. Go to the grocery
Even though adult things are no fun.
5. Cook anything
Cooking is very hard.
6. Read a dictionary
Like why not?
7. Wash my hair 500 times in a row
For any girl, you know this would basically be torture.
8. Wash all the nasty, dirty dishes
Nothing like old food stuck on the dishes from 2 weeks ago.
9. Figure out everything in Excel
Technology is hard.
10. Workout
That's a hard pass for me normally.
11. Clean
Only if I'm really desperate.