The world seems to be crumbling around us lately. Every single time I turn on the news there's another person being shot, another country being attacked, etc. Instead of writing about all the negative things that you're already being bombarded with I thought I'd point out the little things that undoubtedly will make you smile.
1. Babies
It's impossible to not smile when you're around a giggling baby, and if you tell me there's anything cuter than a baby's laugh I'll probably call you a liar.
2. Puppies
Unless you're talking about puppies... They're tied for the cutest title. I mean really, just look at them. How could you not love them?
3. Candy
Sad? Candy. Happy? Candy. Scared? Candy. Any emotion? Candy. It's a pretty solid go- to for any and all occassions.
4. Sunsets/ sunrises
Sunsets and sunrises are two things that never cease to amaze me. Even if I'm having the worst day of my life (I'm dramatic, so that's often),I can't help but stop in awe and just stare.
5. Car jam sessions.
When in doubt, jam out. Some of my favorite nights have been spent driving around with my friends jamming out to our favorite middle school playlists singing/ screaming our hearts out.
6. Being reunited with your friends.
There's nothing better than seeing your friends for the first time in a few months. Tackling them out of excitement is 100% acceptable.
7. Fridays.
There's nothing like leaving the office knowing you have two days full of fun, or sitting on the couch, ahead of you.
8. When you look good.
9. Finding money in your pocket that you forgot about.
It may only be $1, but hey, it's $1 more than you had before.10. Bubble wrap.
You can't deny that you love playing with bubble wrap. I don't care how old you are -- you will always love it.
11. Sleeping in.
There's nothing like being able to go to bed without setting an alarm knowing that it's completely acceptable if you don't roll out of bed until 2:00 in the afternoon.12. A good nap.
Nothing like waking up from a five minute power nap that inevitably turns into a four hour power nap confused and disoriented.
13. Payday
Woohoo for buying something other than Ramen Noodles, at least until next week when you've blown through your paycheck. But hey, treat yo self.
At the end of the day, it's important to appreciate the little things. It's far too easy to dwell on the negatives. We get caught up in life and before we know it we're moving through the days jaded and tired from the negativity surrounding us. Take a moment everyday and try to focus on the positive things around you.