They told me I would learn a lot in college, and boy were they right! Who knew I would develop such a love affair with a Tide-To-Go pen? I guess there are just some things you cannot fully appreciate until you become a college student.
1. My Car
When I started college my car transformed from being just my ride to school, to being my ride (and all my friend's rides) to everywhere else. I had no clue how much my little Honda Accord could hold until my friends and I managed to fit two mini christmas trees, three people, four boxes of food, and all of our clothes into the trunk.
2. Free Food
There is just something about Chipotle that I didn't have to pay for that makes it all the more enjoyable.
3. Home-Cooked Meals
Not only are these meals FREE, but they are also way better than anything you will find in the dining hall.
4. Full-Size Refrigerators
If you have a refrigerator that cannot fit a whole pizza box, do you even really have a refrigerator?
5. Command Strips
These tiny sticky strips were my lifesaver when I moved into my dorm room. Thanks to them, my dorm room looks super cute and I won't get fined for damaging the walls!
6. My Dishwasher
I must admit, "I miss my dishwasher" is something I never thought I would say. That is until I had to try getting mac and cheese out of a bowl by hand. This has proven to be an impossible task.
7. Free Laundry
Shoutout to my mom for never charging me $1.25 to wash my clothes.
8. Tide-To-Go
Along with my appreciation for free laundry comes my appreciation for anything that allows me to go just a little bit longer without washing clothes. This magic little marker has saved dozens of my favorite t-shirts from stains since I got to college.
9. My Shower
My shower at home is the place where I don't have to wear shower shoes, the water is always warm, and there is no stranger's hair all over the floor. My appreciation for my shower only grows every time I make a (usually unsuccessful) attempt to shave my legs in the dorm showers.
10. Caffeine
In high school I was a self-proclaimed caffeine addict. I had no idea that this addiction would only grow once I got to college. Coffee is now available to me at almost any time of the day and I wouldn't want it any other way.
11. Home
As much as I love my school, nothing quite compares to being home. Cuddled up with my dog while surrounded by my family will always be a happy place to be.