Freshman year in college is one hell of a roller coster ride. Moving away from home, making new friends, tougher classes, and a totally new environment. College is definitely better than high school, but there are certainly some things i wont miss about being a freshman. Being a freshman in college, you have to live in a dorm, which comes with a whole set of rules. these rules are like dress code in high school, sometimes stupid rules, that later in life will not matter at all. In high school you have dress code for the four years you're there and then go to college where you can wear whatever you want. In college you live in a dorm and get written up for laughing at 1am during quiet hours. Sophomore year will be very different, especially because you finally get to live in an apartment where you have all of the freedom in the world, you can be loud and break all of the rules you want, because there aren't any. I will NOT miss these things about being a freshman.
1. Walking around clueless the first few weeks of school.
In the Fall freshman leave extra early to find their classes, Im talking an hour or possibly longer. Everyone is anxious they wont find their class, don't be afraid to ask someone who looks like they know where they're going. It takes a few weeks to get used to your new surroundings.
2. Looking like a freshman.
If you don't already know, wearing a lanyard is like putting a target on your back that says "kick me". You may think lanyards are cool hanging out of your baggy sweats in high school, but they definitely aren't acceptable in College. Upperclassman make rude comments and will even tell you to take it off. Don't do it, don't wear a lanyard.
3. Living in a dorm.
Living in a dorm means living with stupid rules. You have to sign in after a specific time, sign in guests, there are quiet hours, and the bathrooms are gross. The only good thing about living in a dorm freshman year is everyone is in the same boat, it's a great way to meet people and make friends.
4. Sharing a room.
As if living in a dorm wasn't bad enough, you have to share your tiny room with another person. It may not look tiny when you move in, but give it a few months. It feels like you're living in a four-foot box with another person. You're constantly on top of each other, waking each other up, or annoying each other. Your roommate sees every side of you, good and bad, listens to your phone calls, watches you change, everything. Sharing a room is like having a camera follow you around all day.
5. Constantly being sick.
I'm not sure if it's being a freshman, living in a dorm, or environment but you get sick every other week. It feels like you spend all of your cash on copays at the student health center and you're always catching something new.
6. Gaining weight.
They call it the freshman 15 for a reason. Tons of freshman gain weight and most times more than 15 pounds. This comes from stress eating, going out, drinking, everything. It feels like there is no healthy food to buy on the meal plan, but eventually, you stop gaining weight.
7. Living off a meal plan.
All upperclassman will tell you how lucky you are, you don't have to cook or pay for your food. While this is true, most meal plans are extremely expensive and can only be used at certain places. By second semester it feels like you're eating the same thing every day and it sucks. All you have in the dorm room is a mini fridge and a microwave, but you can't make good home made meals with that.
8. Taking regular courses.
Schools try to weed out the weak, the kids that just weren't meant to be in college. Sadly this is a lot of people. Many students don't return for the second semester because of these introductory courses. They aren't designed to be too difficult, but they are definitely a step up from high school. These are boring classes that you have to take, and you sit and wonder when you will ever use the information you're learning. Eventually, you get to the good stuff, classes that actually relate to your major.
9. Paying for parking.
Some colleges don't allow freshman to bring cars to campus, but if they do you will pay a ridiculous price for a parking spot. I'm talking $500+ while some apartments have free parking.
10. Paying for laundry.
Dorms charge as much as they please for laundry because they can. I pay $3 for a wash cycle and another $3 for a dry cycle, plus I usually have 3 loads a week. At $6 per load X 3 loads, you spend about $18 a week on laundry, not including soap, bleach, dryer sheets, etc. And at 32 weeks of school a year X $18 of laundry a week, you may end up spending roughly $500+ on laundry. Most apartments have free laundry, bye bye dorms.
11. Not knowing anyone.
Most people don't know anyone going into freshman year, making it a bit more difficult to adjust to your new environment. Making new friends can be tough, but you have to get out there and start talking to the people next to you in class or on the bus so you aren't lonely. Most freshmen are in this position also trying to make friends, don't be shy, say hi!