If you're going to college far from home, it probably didn't take long to recognize the culture differences, and realize how much you miss Maine.
1. Maine Accents
Who know that you would miss the Maine-risms like "Upta Camp, and "wicked Pissah." You were probably very surprised to hear that you have an accent.
2. Cool Weather
It's partially just overblown confidence, but you take pride in Mainers' ability to handle cold weather.
3. The Ocean
Your surprise when you find out that the ocean water can be above 60 degrees?! A twenty minute drive here gets you in the middle of nowhere, which is directly opposite from the ocean...
4. Anticipation of Autumn
This is not even close to fall... Anticipation for the leaves to turn vibrant colors, not wimpy purple.
5. Community Dread for Winter
Discredit anyone who talks about winter and has never lived in Maine. Their opinion is meaningless... Until you understand a Northeaster, don't talk about winter.
6. Dunkin' Donuts Everywhere
You would have to avoid regular routes in order to not see a Dunkin Donuts... What even is this world without it?
7. Game Day
Not everyone is a Pats fan? *Gasp!* You feel lost without a sea of red, white and blue on game nights.
8. Small Dinners, Whoopie Pies and Fielder's Choice
You have yet to see a real dinner and most of your southern friends don't even know what to look for. You're going though withdrawals from the lack of Fielder's Choice ice cream, to which no other ice cream will ever amount.
9. Straight Forward People
Everyone's so sweet, which you love... Except when you're in a rush and don't want to make small talk with someone that you will never meet again.
10. Normal Iced Tea
You lost your appetite when you tried "real" sweet tea. Bring back normal iced tea, please.
11. Family and Friends
Maine has awesome traditions, however it's all about the people in Maine that create the traditions.