Every book nerd has similar experiences when reading. There are so many struggles that go along with being a book nerd, but there are also so many perks! I've been a reader since I was little and definitely had some interesting experiences due to books.
1. Going into a bookstore is magical.
Every book nerd experiences some type of euphoria anytime they enter a bookstore. It's bound to happen when you are surrounded by so many great titles.
2. When the books you ordered online arrive early!
When you order a package from the bookstore and it says it'll take three days but it shows up in two. What a happy day!
3. When the film adaptation turns out good.
This is any book lover's dream. All we want is to see the story in our heads come to life without being extremely disappointed. There are only a scattering of titles that have been good so it's hard to get our hopes up. However, every once in a while, we're surprised.
4. When you're the only one of your friends who reads.
The struggle is real when you barely have anyone to talk to about the book you just read. Thank goodness for youtubers and Buzzfeed articles!
5. Staying up late to finish a book.
We all know our sleep schedules are permanently messed up from staying up reading. It's just so hard to resist!
6. Strongly relating to a character in a novel or series.
It's so easy to have similarities with a character in a book. We feel more connected and attached to the book now.
7. Wanting to buy new books but having no money.
This is probably the biggest struggle of all! It is so hard knowing there is a new book coming out and you can't buy it because you're broke. Hopefully someone will help you buy it!
8. Waiting a long period of time before the next book in a series comes out.
THIS IS THE WORST!! How are you supposed to read and not know what happens next? It is extremely difficult to not know where the plot is going, especially when you read the book in a day.
9. Trying to pick your favorite book.
What kind of person asks this question? This question is pretty much impossible when dealing with a book nerd. We've read so many books in our lifetime, so it's not easy to pick just one.
10. Falling in love with a fictional character.
Falling in love with fictional characters is both sad and sweet. Obviously we all have to admit to ourselves that it's not real even though we hope it could be. It's a sweet feeling because it means we have truly connected with the character.
11. Meeting other people that love to read.
There is nothing better than meeting someone and finding out they have a love for books just like you. It's liberating;you can finally talk to someone about that ending or your favorite author and you know they'll get it!