If you're a college student, you've probably talked to a lot of people about your major. If you're an English major, you've probably heard a lot of things about your major that are really annoying. Here are 11 of them.
1. "Wow! So I guess you like to read, huh?"
Yes, I do, Captain Obvious. Thanks for that.
2. "I bet you write a lot of papers!"
Again, what else would I be doing? It's not like I could do lab reports or a problem set. On the bright side, I know how to construct a beautiful argument backed up by specific points in the text and 3-5 outside sources.
3. "So do you want to teach?"
Some English majors do want to teach, and that's great! But I have to keep myself from screaming "NO" every time someone asks.
4. "Why wouldn't you do pre-med/STEM?"
Because I don't like them?
5. "You know you won't make any money, right?"
I'm aware that jobs for English majors aren't going to get me a six figure salary most of the time, but I'm also not going to be living in a cardboard box on the street just because I didn't want to become a doctor.
6. "Are there even jobs for you guys besides teaching?"
Yes, actually, there are a lot of them! Reporters, writers, PR people, HR people, grant writers, novelists, librarians, and editors are just a few!
7. "Do you really have to buy that many books? That's going to cost a ton!"
Yes. It's unfortunate, but I legitimately do need 23 books this semester. That's what we do here in the English department - we read a lot.
8. "I don't want to study literature, I just want to read for fun."
Okay? Not sure how this is relevant to the fact that I chose to study literature, but good for you. Glad you like to read. Come find me one day if you'd ever like to know just how beautifully deep that book you're holding goes.
9. "Reading sucks!"
You suck.
10. "You know that's the major for people who can't choose a *real* major, right?"
You know that your fancy pre-med/pre-law major is the major for people who just want to have a lot of money and don't care whether or not they're happy with their lives, right?
11. "Why?"
Why? Because I love picking up a book, reading it through, and then tearing it into pieces in a discussion just to see how deep the meaning of every little chunk can actually be. Because I like that I can't stop analyzing everything I read or every song I hear like it's an assignment for class. Because it's what I just really love doing.