When you're a college student, people question you all the time about what you plan to do with your life. For those studying Education, Accounting, Marketing, Criminal Justice, Journalism, etc. it's pretty self explanatory what their plan is after they graduate. For English majors though, it's not so simple. Usually when you tell someone you're an English major their response is something polite, such as, "oh...that's really interesting..", meanwhile the look on their face is pure confusion. Other times the responses are just irritating, and on behalf of all the English majors out there, we're tired of hearing them. Here are just a few examples.
1. "But what do you plan on doing with that?"
Gee, I don't know, probably get a job that has to do with writing because obviously.
2. "That's a pretty broad field...how are you going to find work?"
I'm gonna find work because it is so open and diverse. I can write for and do whatever I want, the world is my oyster.
3. "Hey, since you love to write do you wanna write my papers for me?"
Sure, but it'll cost you $5 million dollars because my work is gold.
4. "How could you like writing and reading so much? That sounds horrible."
Maybe I like being literate and being able to express my creativity through the power of words. Ever think of that?
5. "So...you wanna write books and stuff?"Essentially that's the dream, but there are other important things to be done. Not every English major wants to have a best-selling novel, pshh.
6. "Ew, I hate writing."
Well I love it and I'm awesome at it. So it's a good thing you're not doing it for the rest of your life, isn't it?
7. "You're gonna make like no money."
It's not always about the money, it's about doing something you love for the rest of your life. Can you say that? I bet not.
8. "Do you think you'll just end up being an English teacher?"
Probably not, but if I could spread the love of reading and writing to the youth of America I don't see anything wrong with that.
9. "That's probably the easiest major ever."
Yeah definitely, if you call reading about 20 novels per semester, countless papers, and assignments easy, then yeah it's a piece of cake.
10. "So basically, all you do is read and write?"
So basically all you do is say blockheaded things?
11. "If I were an English major I would die."
Guess it's a good thing you're not then. Leave it to the (semi) professionals.