11 Things All Diet Coke Lovers Will Understand | The Odyssey Online
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11 Things All Diet Coke Lovers Will Understand

How could something so bad taste so right?

11 Things All Diet Coke Lovers Will Understand

If you love Diet Coke, you know it's a lifestyle. Sure, you've heard the negative health effects that it supposedly has on people, but you don't care. All you know is that Diet Coke tastes like liquid, carbonated heaven. Things change, people come and go, but Diet Coke stays the same. And you truly appreciate that.

1. It's your drink of choice when you need caffeine.

Ten times more delicious than coffee or tea. This is scientifically proven.

2. People say it makes you dehydrated, but to you it's more refreshing than water.

3. You also don't listen when people say it ruins your teeth.

4. Or that it will actually make you gain weight.

It has the word "diet" in the name. That's all I need.

5. You can drink it with breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

The perfect 8 a.m. beverage.

6. When you go out to eat and everyone else orders water, you've felt pressured to do the same.

7. And if you do order water, you feel insanely healthy.

8. But Diet Coke is always in the back of your mind.

9. You can definitely tell the difference between Diet Coke and regular Coke.

And compared to Diet Coke, regular Coke is like rat poison.

10. The words "Is Diet Pepsi OK?" usually make you react like this:

It's not OK. It's never OK.

11. Even though you know it's bad for you, you just can't stop.

Diet Coke forever.

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