It's getting to be that time of year again where everybody is moving into their college dorms. Here are some things you may not have thought to bring!
1. A Brita Filter
You don't know about that bathroom sink water on your floor. I'm sure it's fine, but this will come in handy.
2. Cleaning Supplies
Sure, the lovely people who clean your bathroom will clean your room too? Nope, that's false. You will need cleaning supplies.
3. Garbage Bags
Usually a garbage can will be provided for you, but not the bags. Think ahead!
4. Fan
Dorms get deathly hot in the summer, a fan is completely necessary.
5. Ibuprofen/Cold Medicine
Most colleges don't allow freshman to have a car. Waiting for the bus or waiting for a package from home won't help your headache this minute.
6. Extra socks and underwear
Trust me. You'll need this.
7. A power strip
There usually is not many outlets in a dorm room. A power strip will help.
8. Sewing Kit
You never know.
9. Tool Box
Again, you never know.
10. Door Stop
This makes it very easy to make new friends on your floor.
11. Shower Shoes
Showers are nasty, that is all.
Always remember: there's never enough trips to Target.