We all know our best friends pretty well. But you truly don't know everything about them until you live with them.
1. There's no space for anything.
With five people living in an apartment suited for exactly five, there's plenty of room for all your stuff, right? WRONG. Even after you condense and rearrange all your things (even if said things may seem useless to others, you still need them), there still seems to be a lack of storage for all the belongings of the roommates. This includes the ridiculously small size of the pantry. How are five girls supposed to fit all their snack- I mean ingredients for wholesome meals- on only four shelves.
2. Getting ready in the bathroom = every woman for themselves.
If there's anything more complicated then figuring out how to store things in the pantry, it's trying to squeeze everyone in the bathroom all at once to get ready. One toilet, one shower and only two small sinks. A never-ending elbow jabbing morning routine and constant foundation and hairspray covered counter top.
3. You'll end up watching the same shows.
You might of never have watched FRIENDS a day in your life, but one of your roommates has seen the whole series the entire way through, start to finish, at least 13 times. And they never fail to chime in on the clapping cue during the theme song. And can quote every single one of Chandler's jokes.
4. When someone gets a boyfriend, everything changes.
So maybe not literally EVERYTHING, but a lot. They're no longer available to chill with all of you at any point in the day because they're either out with their beau or locked away in their bedroom with them. You may or may not also become accustomed to their boyfriend just showing up whenever. Which is definitely fine, but you maybe we just wanna chill out on the couch and watch FRIENDS, sans bras, and not feel uncomfortable.
5. Inappropriateness is accepted in almost all forms.
You quickly become to used to a lot of burping, farting and other unmannerly gestures. Very quickly. Why? You're living with four other people and you just can't tell them how to live their lives otherwise. Sometimes, you gotta let it rip.
6. Learning the concept known as "sharing."
I like to think I'm good at sharing. But then when I gained four other roommates and had to coordinate what items of mine were up for sharing and for what purposes, I suddenly became ridiculously territorial of certain things... You never know how much you love your coffee mug until someone else is using it.
7. Proving the myth that it is possible for everyone to sync up at the same time.
I wish this couldn't happen. But unfortunately it does. And for that one week, it's a nightmare. Everyone is on edge, things are mess all over the apartment, and looking at someone the wrong way could either start a death match or a cry fest. Sometimes it's just best to not ask questions on things you don't want the answers to.
8. There's never any room in the fridge.
There's at least five cartons of milk in the fridge, but no room for fruit, cheese, or even those small cute, little egg cartons. And with only one freezer -that really is only big enough for two people- you become a master of organizing frozen foods.
9. Realizing you're all pretty gross.
Two ways to easily find this out. One, after a night out you realize how much makeup- specifically bronzer and blush- you really use, after you see it in the sink. Along with the wreckage that is your bedroom. Second, the sink. Leaving the dishes unwashed for more than a couple hours makes it impossible to get them really clean. "I'VE WASHED THIS FORK THREE TIMES, WHY IS IT NOT CLEAN YET?"
I didn't truly know how much hair we lose a day. I found this out the hard way. Walking to class with a hair ball on the back of my pants. I know, real classy. The worst part is, it wasn't all my hair. Mmmm.
11. Discovering after some time you've gained some pretty important people in your life.
Despite the makeup covered sinks, the constantly dirty dishes, the lack of room for all your snacks in the pantry, and worrying if you're all going to be in a mood all during the same week, living with four other girls will give you some of the bet people you'll ever have in your life.