I wouldn't trade being daddy's little girl for anything. I'm so glad I have the most amazing father and male role model in my life. I am blessed to have a selfless, hardworking, and compassionate father. Here's a list of 11 things you know if you're like me and you're a "daddy's girl."
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1. You miss him when you're away from home.
College goodbyes were hard but this one was the hardest. Going from seeing him every day to seeing very little of him breaks your heart.
2. Your boyfriend becomes your second favorite male.
My dad's always gonna be my Prince Charming. From a very young age I looked up to him. He was, and still is, the strongest, bravest, smartest man ever. (Sorry Luke)
3. If you have a car question, he is on speed dial.
"Hi daddy. Yeah I'm okay. What does this light on the dashboard mean?"
4. You value his opinion more than anyone else
If your dad does not approve, it's not happening. You care more about making sure he is proud of you.
5. He gives the best advice, and you actually take it.
Whether you want to admit it or not, your dad gives the best advice. He looks out for you because he doesn't want to see you hurt, and, typically, you always end up following it.
6. Your dad is always the person who can make you laugh.
He knows when you need to be tickled. He knows when you need to hear one of his corny jokes. He know when you need to hear him say somethings stupid just because he wants to see you happy all the time.
7. Your favorite sports team is his favorite sport team.
It's genetic. Sorry Patriot fans. I may live in Connecticut but I'm a Denver Broncos fan because my dad is a Denver Broncos fan.
8. You have certain shows you watch together.
No matter how stupid the shows are, you always find yourself sitting down to watch it with your dad. (Hint Hint: Baskets, Naked & Afraid)
9. Your best friends think of your dad as their dad too.
Your best friends consider your dad their own dad. They live at your house and your dad makes sure to treat them as if they were his own daughters.
10. He was the first man to ever buy you flowers.
He was the first man to ever buy me flowers. He was the first man to take me to the daddy daughter dance. My first slow dance. The first man to make me feel loved all the time.
11. Your dad is your hero
No matter how hard life gets for him, he is always there for his family. His selfless nature, handwork, and unconditional love for his children and wife are something that inspire me every day.
Thank you Daddy for all you do. I love you to the moon and back!