Crohn's Disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It can effect your whole digestive system, but is mostly focused on the ilium. Crohn's has no cure, although there are treatments to help with it. Here is a look through the eyes, or better yet the digestive system of someone with Crohn's.
1. If you walk into a mall or store, you can scope out every bathroom within 30 seconds.
- If there is a bathroom, I will find it.
2. There is no waiting, when you have to go. You- When I say now, I mean now.
3. Watching your friends eat foods you can't have is torture.
- I bet that salad is really good, jerk.
4. You're half way through eating something then realize you're not supposed to have it.
- Oh, that has seeds... this will be fun later.
5. You have a very simplified definition of Crohn's engraved in your mind.
- So, basically my whole digestive system hates itself.
6. Thinking you're ready to stop treatments then having a flare up.
- "Maybe, I'm ready to stop!" Just kidding, I think I might be dying.
7. Laying in bed all day because your having a flare up.
- Nothing better than feeling trapped in your own body.
8. Using a flare up to get out of plans, then actually having one because karma is never on your side.
- I've been there one too many times, and I swear it always comes back on me.
9. Waiting rooms are far too comfortable for you.
- I'm pretty sure I know my doctors and nurses on first name basis now.
10. You wonder if you'll ever really hit remission.
- I constantly wonder if this time will ever come.
11. You realize that although Crohn's controls many parts of your life, it will never completely take you over.
- You're a fighter. Crohn's tried to take you down, but you're still going.