11 Things To Know When Coming To Stillman College
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11 Things To Know When Coming To Stillman College

Quick Facts About What To Expect At Stillman College

11 Things To Know When Coming To Stillman College

August 2016 is upon us and it's that time of year when summer is ending and school is beginning. It's an especially exciting time of year for Stillman College, as we extend our warmest welcome to the freshman class of 2020. With that being said, this is a list comprised of a few things to expect as a freshman at Stillman College.

1. Be prepared for the unpredictable weather.

The weather in Alabama, and Tuscaloosa, especially, is very unpredictable. Be prepared to have a variety of clothes for each season.

2. Be prepared to deal with Tuscaloosa traffic.

Tuscaloosa has some of the most congested traffic in the world, and that is no exaggeration. One reasons is because it is a small city with four main streets: 15th Street, McFarland Blvd, Skyland Blvd and Highway 69. The other big reason is because it is the home of the Alabama Crimson Tide. With that being said, be extremely careful during football season.

3. Professional Dress Thursdays

Every Thursday, we implement a "Professional Attire" dress code for the purpose of grooming students into the professionals that they will become. We really encourage the students to dress for the career that they want and to try to truly envision themselves in those roles.

4. Thursday Major Key Alert - Chapel Chicken

Every Thursday, the cafeteria serves soul food. As a campus, we named the Thursdays "Chapel Chicken Day." The name derives from one Thursday out of the month when we host chapel programs intended to encourage and motivate students. Afterwards, students and faculty rush to the cafeteria in hopes to be one of the first in line to receive the Chapel Chicken.

5. HBCU Band

There is nothing like a band at an HBCU. Although bands at other institutions are renowned in their own right, HBCU bands have been highly skilled and entertaining for generations. Our Stillman College Blue Pride Marching Band, Jazz Band and Pep Band, along with the accompanying auxiliaries, provide unparalleled spirit at Stillman College. They have consistently won spirit awards at the Student Choice Awards and you can always find them practicing at the late hours of the evening.

6. Stillman College Choir

What more can I say about one of the best choirs in the world? The Stillman College Choir is capable of making one feel that angels have truly come down to rest among humans. Our choir has performed in various venues, signing different songs that blessed all that could hear. We are very proud to have our choir and you will definitely have an opportunity to hear them soon!

7. Student Choice Awards

The Stillman College Student Choice Awards is the premier event of the spring semester. It's an awards show featuring highlights from the school year, amazing talent showcases and winners of student-chosen awards and notable mentions. I had the blessing of winning a Student Choice Award during my freshman year, and it was a very humbling experience. Take the time to familiarize yourself with your campus, your professors and fellow students. You never know if they could be honoring you one day.

8. Student Government Association

The Student Government Association is an organization on campus that is the voice of the student body. Comprised of 15 members, the Student Government Association (SGA) lobbies for changes on behalf of the student body to various departments in the school, including the Board of Trustees. They are a vital resource on the campus, and are usually very involved in the community as well.

9. Greek Life

On Stillman College's campus, there are 11 Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities. We also have a plethora of national honor societies and Non-Greek organizations. In terms of the Divine Nine Black Greek-lettered organizations, we have eight of them seated on our campus, serving the campus in a multitude of ways. If one is interested in pledging one of these organizations, it would behoove that particular student to research as much as possible to gain a true understanding of what each organization stands for, and how they impact the community.

10. Residence Hall Life

Living on campus provides many benefits for students. Of course, the most obvious one is that a student will be about 3-4 minutes from each class. Our campus is small but beautiful, and at first glance, one might not realize that the residence halls are not far from the academic buildings. This climate makes it a little easier to gain friends since everyone is in close proximity with each other. Keep this in mind when choosing a job, as well as when attending any professional and social functions on campus.

11. The professors truly care!

The professors truly care about a student's success at Stillman College, and after Stillman College. The professors possess an ability to not only see the best in others, but to also help guide those same students progress in more than just the classroom. They have amazing spirits and we really hope that, as incoming freshmen, student can be receptive of the opportunities that faculty and staff will provide. They push you beyond your limits and continue to check on you after you graduate to make sure you are pursuing your dreams.

With that said, we are excited about the school year, and cannot wait until we have the opportunity to meet the new students and returning students.

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