As fall break nears for the students of High Point University, most everyone is anxiously awaiting to return home. As a native Delawarean, I surprisingly miss more than I thought I would about my home.
1. High school.
When I was in high school, all I could think about was college and how I would never want to return to my high school building. Most of those feelings still hold true, I do not miss my time spent in high school more than I value the time here in college. However, there are few teachers and the sense of childhood I miss about high school. There were lots of memories made in that building, memories I will cherish forever and others I would rather forget ever happened.
2. Familiar roads.
Over the next four years, I am sure I will get to know my way around town without having to use a GPS. I miss being able to just hop in my car and head anywhere I want without the fear of getting completely turned around. Delaware is a small state, you can't get lost very easily.
3. Wawa.
Yes, I know that Wawas exist in other states. However, they do not have them in North Carolina. I cannot wait to hit up a Wawa and grab my typical order, a roast beef hoagie with a caramel smoothie.
4. No sale's tax.
Going off to school in a new state has its individual challenges for every student. A challenge I still have yet to remind myself of is that the price shown on the tag is not what the register will show. I come from one of the few states in the country where sales tax is not a factor when shopping. I miss being able to look at a price tag and know exactly how much I will be spending.
5. My Best Friends.
My best friends all chose to stay home for college. Thankfully for me I get to come home to everyone. A mini high school reunion will soon take place.
6. My Parents.
My main support system, the reason I am where I am today. Just being able to hug them and talk to them in person as opposed to FaceTime will make everything feel like how it used to be.
7. My grandma.
I miss being able to drive a short distance to see her just to talk for hours. Without her I would not have had the numerous opportunities to travel the world. I look forward to hearing all about your most recent adventures.
8. My brothers.
We were never the siblings that would constantly fight with each other. We almost always got along and we have always bonded over silly things. We never got bored pulling pranks on family members and inside jokes still make us laugh so hard we cry. I am sad that I had to miss their first day of high school but I cannot wait to come home and hear all about their changing lives.
9. My dog.
10. My own space.
Having a room mate at school is great, but sometimes there's nothing like having your own room and your own space. Being able to what you want, when you want, without the worry of upsetting a room mate is something to look forward to.
11. Home cooked meals.
The food quality at High Point University varies depending on which location you are at. But nothing will ever beat the comfort you feel as you sit around the dinner table with a home cooked meal and your family's love.
I look forward to coming home soon and hearing all about whats been going on in little old Wilmington.