Don't get me wrong. I'm going to study for my midterms. I have to. I provide myself in doing well in my classes. Let's be real though. There's a million things I'd rather be doing than sitting in front of my textbooks and stressing out.
1. Watch House Hunters
Though I'm no where near the point of buying a house, I can still window house shop. Plus, watching couples fight over whether they want a modern or Victorian home.
2. Pet a million corgis
...Or any animal in general. I just have an obsession with corgis, so they were just a good general animal.
3. Go to the gym
I'm not a big gym fan, but I'd rather run four miles on a treadmill than sweat over my textbooks.
4. Play The Sims
At least, my sims self doesn't have to study to start her career. Her dream career is just a call a way and I'm jealous of that.
5. Go Pin Crazy
Nothing is better than a killing an hour or two pinning random things on Pinterest. Will I ever actually do all these pins? No, but they are there if I need them.
6. Attempt Make-up Tutorials
I am no good at make-up, but I'll try if it gets me out of studying. I'll probably end up looking like Pennywise but oh well.
7. Make To-do Lists
I'm the queen of making lists. My reminders on my phone are all just lists and lists of stuff I need to do or want to do. Once I finish a list, I make a brand new list.
8. Buzzfeed Quizzes
I can get lost in a sea of Buzzfeed quizzes. Do I really need to know what Hogwarts house my cat belongs to? Yes, I do. I need to know if we are matching. (She's a hufflepuff, by the way.) I'm a big fan of the new ones that ask you if you can plan something and stay in budget.
9. Do Laundry
Laundry beats studying for midterms. That's all I need to say.
10. Eat Good Food
Most people would just agree that food is better than studying.
11. Read
What I'd give to have some time to read for my own pleasure? I'm done with articles and textbooks. I want adventure, strong characters, and humor.