In three or four weeks, all of us will be moved back into our dorms or apartments and have started classes. Some of you are excited to see friends again, but dreading going to class. While summer is coming to a close here are few things you should do before school starts.
1. Go through clothes and start packing.
I am dreading the day I absolutely have to start packing. I know you want to take your whole wardrobe, but really figure out what you need for the school year. The worst part about leaving college is packing and unpacking.
2. Start looking at what books you need to buy.
Whether you like it or not school is just around the corner and your first day of lecture will sneak up on you.
3. You should probably talk to your roommate if you haven't all summer.
Since most people have roommates, you should make sure everyone is contributing equally to your dorm or apartment.
4. Spend every moment with your pets.
We all know we won't see our pets for at least two to three months so love on them every day. I know I miss my dogs within the first week I am back at school.
5. Prepare yourself for a year full of socializing after you probably spent your summer doing nothing.
I know it's easy to just stay inside your room, but go out and meet new friends on campus!
6. Get in all the sleep you can because we all know we survive on minimal hours of sleep in college.
Let's be real you will barely sleep the entire year at college.
7. Saving money and getting in last minute hours at work.
Unless you have a job at school, you're going to be broke if you didn't save money all summer.
8. Figure out how to cook or you will live off of junk food.
If you're in a dorm then you're kind of out of luck on the whole cooking thing. If you live in an apartment then I highly suggest learning how to cook.
9. Soak up all the beach and pool time.
Make sure you get a tan before heading back to school.
10. Make plans with your friends before everyone leaves for college.
11. Have one last night with your family.
I know some of y'all are excited to get back to school, but we all miss our family while at college.