Since I'm on my way out of high school this year, I thought I would make a little list of things you should do before you get out of high school! Some of these are funny, some are serious, and some are just plain silly. Consider this the Bucket List of high school!
1. Participate in Homecoming Activities
Have fun, let loose, and don't be afraid to look a little silly! You should NEVER be "too cool" to participate in the activities planned for you and your classmates!
2. Join a Club
Joining a club, like the National BETA Club, not only looks good on college applications, it also helps to prepare you to be the best you that you can be.
3. Learn How to Write a Check
Learning to write a check is an important life skill that everyone uses at some point or another, so it's best to learn how to do this in high school than having to learn in college or after college.
4. Senior Skip Day
Senior Skip Day is a ritual that most schools participate in which most seniors choose to not attend school. To make the most of this day, go out and plan an activity with your friends, like the zoo, mini golf, or a movie!
5. Learn To Make And Stick With a Budget
This is a great way to make sure you don't blow your refund check and end up not having enough left for food and other necessities!
6. Stay Awake for 24 Hours
Face it, this is one of those things that most college students have to pull off at one time or another! A good way to prep for this is to just do it, and see if it is sensible for you! If it's not, make sure to not leave projects to do last minute!
7. Date
Figure out what you're looking for in a partner before you start looking for a serious relationship in college.
8. Learn How to Study
Learning good study habits now will prevent you from having to figure out how to study in classes that you're paying to take, and if you're not careful, you're paying to fail.
9. Run For an Office or for Homecoming Court
This can help build confidence in speaking to your peers, and it can help you to accept failure if you don't win.
10. Learn How to Cook
This can save a lot of money in college, because if you can cook simple foods, you will be less likely to eat out as much.
11. Volunteer
Volunteering can not only make you feel good, but it also makes you more appealing to colleges.