It's finally that time again when we begin to realize all the small, but important things our families do for us that we miss so dearly. So instead of traveling far and wide for Spring Break, we return to our loving homes to see the brightest of smiles. Here is a list I've compiled of some of the small, but SUPER SUPER important things we ask our moms to do that we couldn't possibly do ourselves, right?
1. "Can you get me a glass of water?"
There's no possible way you could walk 10 feet into the kitchen to get your own glass of water, so here Mom comes to the rescue.
2. "Mom, can you PLEASE call the dentist and make my appointment for me?"
She's been doing such a good job telling them what's wrong already, how could we possibly do it on our own now?
3. "What is my social security number?"
OK, no one ever told me we would have to memorize this ourselves.
4. "Do you have credit? Do I have credit? Can I just use some of your credit? I just need to buy something."
What even is credit and how does it work?
5. "Can you come tuck me into bed, please?"
7. "Is $4.99 too much to spend on strawberries?"
And if Mom is buying, can we buy them anyways? Or, does meal plan reach back home?
8. "Which medicine should I be taking? Can you get it for me?"
Moms always have the right medicine.
9. "What's for dinner?"
If there is any leftovers, can I take them back with me?
10. "Can you call this prescription in for me?"
They intimidate me, Mom.
11. "Can I stop adulting now?"
I'm too young to do this whole adult thing.