"You're so Asian."
Such a simple phrase, yet it holds so much meaning. Being Asian can mean many things. You can take being called Asian in so many ways. Usually, we brush off the racial comments; However, this article is for those moments that we have because we have finally had enough. So here are some phrases that I am over hearing. Sorry not sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. "What? You didn't get an A?"
Oh no. How dare I possibly be able to get something wrong? How dare I be a mere mortal and make mistakes? I guess I can't call myself an Asian anymore. I have been demoted to a Bsian or even a Csian. The horror. How will I ever live with myself?
2. "Are your parents going to disown you now?"
Wow so funny!! I love this one so much. I love making a joke about something really serious that really happens to others in life. It's so funny to joke about my parents cutting me out of their life because I "didn't get an A" or something else a normal human being might do. Best joke of all time!!
3. "You aren't going to be a doctor?"
How dare I have interest in other fields of work. My Asian self wouldn't be good at anything else. I am doomed now that I will not be a doctor. I have failed my family. Dishonor on my whole family, dishonor on me and dishonor on my cow.
4. "I love myself some Asian girls. You are all so cute."
Hey, we are not all here to fulfill your weird Asian girl fetish. I can be cute without the reason being my race. If you like me just because of my race, this isn't going to work. Bye.
5. "I'm not racist. I love Asian food."
Oh good. I'm so relieved. For a second, I was scared that you might be racist because you didn't like our food. Being racist has all to do with the food that you eat. Thank goodness you cleared that up.
6. "Do you eat dog or cats?"
No, No and No. I don't plan on it either. I don't agree with it, but also who are we to judge what someone eats. For all you know, what you eat is weird to other cultures too.
7. "You must be so good at Math and Science."
Ha. Good one. Never heard that one before. Even if I was good at Math or Science, it wouldn't be because I was Asian. It's simply because I am good at it. Deal with it.
8. "Where are you from? What are you?"
"Where are you from?"
"I was born in Colorado."
"No, like where are you from?"
"Oh I grew up in Massachusetts and Virginia.
"No, like What are you?"
"Oh. I'm Chinese."
"Oh, So you're from China?"
*Sigh of defeat* "Yes. My parents are from China."
9. "Wow you speak English really well!
Thank you? I mean you know despite the fact that I was born in the US, am an American born citizen, grew up in the US, and English being my first language, I do speak english really well. Good job, me.
10. "You're so exotic."
11. "You all look the same."
I love being told that I, as the individual that I am, have no redeeming qualities of my own. I love being told that I am not special enough to have my own characteristics and just get to be categorized into a group for my not so special looks. Every person's dream, being told they aren't unique and just a mere clump of cells.
There are moments when racial jokes seem appropriate, but are they really? I'm not trying to be hypocritical because I make racist jokes all the time against myself. The thing is, saying these jokes myself, against myself, I am prepared and consenting of them. I couldn't ever say these to or about others unwarranted. Some are more sensitive to this subject, understandably. So the next time you think of saying one of these, Is it appropriate or worth it? Just think about it.