Art majors do not get enough credit. Although this major can be rewarding, it can also be exhausting. Not everyone realizes what goes into your work, and not many people understand how passionate you are about art. Here are a few things almost everyone majoring in art can relate to:
1. It's nearly impossible to care about any of your other classes.
You can try your best, but you will never want to put as much time and effort into any of your other classes. Creative minds would much rather get their hands dirty than sit at a desk and read.
2. You're tired of being asked, "what are you going to do with that degree?"
There are so many options for art majors. Although there may not be a high demand for artists, there are plenty of careers in the creative field.
3. Or being told, "you won't make any money."
You care more about being happy and doing what you love than being rich. It can be hard for some people to understand this concept.
4. You scope out the competition in your class and use them as your motivation.
You get angry at yourself if you see someone is working harder than you and use that as a reason to work harder. The art world is competitive.
5. You are actually excited to get up and go to class.
I would much rather go to my 9 A.M. studio class than my 9 A.M. science class any day!
6. Your version of "cramming" is spending all day/night finishing an art project that's due the next day.
Even if you have the best time management, you still end up spending the 24 hours before the project is due rushing to finish it. No breaks allowed.
7. All your money is spent on art supplies.
New project? That means a trip to Michael's or Hobby Lobby to buy more supplies! It's not like you buy one text book and that's it for the semester. You are constantly taking a trip to the store to buy more paints, charcoal, sketchbooks, etc.
8. You never feel more disappointed in yourself than when something goes wrong with your project.
The worst feeling in the world is making a mistake on a project you've worked weeks on. However, there is comfort in knowing these things can often be fixed!
9. You never feel more proud of yourself than when you conquer a new medium that you didn't think you could.
The best part about college art classes is having access to new materials and tools that you have never had before. But, working in new mediums can be terrifying. When you first start the project, you think that you will never be able to accomplish what you're trying to accomplish. Then, you are so pleased with yourself when the finished product is successful.
10. You get offended when people assume you have the easiest major.
Believe it or not, making any type of art can be exhausting. The only way to make a good project is to put an extensive amount of time and effort into it. You can be working on the same thing in class for weeks, or even months, and still have to take it home and work on it every night. You get tired of looking at it and trying your best to make it turn out the way you think it should. There is no study groups to help you, and a majority of the work you have to figure out with little instruction. I will never understand why people think this major is so easy!
11. You are ultimately happy and have comfort in knowing you are going to love what you do for the rest of your life.
No matter people's views on your major, you know you will never change your mind. Art is what makes you happy, and you cannot picture yourself doing anything else.