A guest walks into your store. You greet her with a smile and warm demeanor. They begin their order, you nod attentively and do your very best to look them in the eye. Attentiveness is key in this line of work, a guest deserves to feel that you care and are listening. She is middle aged, there are fine lines under her eyes. Her blue eyes are quite beautiful.
They peek out at you from behind her glasses, you notice the reflection of the light in the lens. She smiles every time she finishes a word, she has a nice smile. You hear the marching band as they march by outside. A fly lands on your register, rubbing its little legs together. All of your senses are full speed ahead. The world is fast-paced and you are running on all cylinders trying to keep up. You feel proud that you are doing a good job today.
Oh! You have some reading you need to do tonight, maybe you will have some of that cereal you had this morning. That was delicious. The piano starts outside, you recognize that tune, this is the third time they played it today. A bell dings behind you. The lady is still smi-
“And a large sprite! What is my total?” She says finishing with one big smile as she digs in her purse. You shake your head, suddenly your brain comes to a halt. You see her anxious blue eyes staring into your blank brown ones. You look at your screen, empty. You begin to wonder what year it is.
Crap, you did it again.
Welcome to ADHD. It’s a real bitch.
Ever wonder what it would be like if the Energizer Bunny and the Tasmanian Devil had a baby? Yeah, well look no further, this is indeed my life. My mom used to tell people do not give her chocolate, sugar, and caffeine together is a drug to her.
In fact, the first time I had a mocha, I had a blackout and do not remember much, except for laying on the couch at the public library with a pounding headache. Here are some of the quirks to living with ADHD.
1. "You're shaking the table again."
Story of my life. I am constantly shaking my leg and often I don't realize it. It is a product of feeling a constant burst of energy bubbling up inside of me.
I have found coping mechanisms to help regulate my energy, this is one of my methods. Unfortunately, it drives everyone else crazy around me.
2. Having to turn the radio down to "see better."
A lot of times when I am driving I have to turn down the radio when I encounter unfamiliar, stressful, or curious situations on the road.
If I don't it causes me an extreme amount of anxiety and an energy build up. It's as if my brain confuses which one of my senses does what and I get overstimulated.
3. How did I get here?
Still on the topic of driving, when the last you remember you were leaving school and suddenly you are almost home.
It is definitely a confusing phenomenon. I sure hope I didn't run any lights or kill anybody, but at least I know my plans for the impending zombie apocalypse and what songs are going to be in my soundtrack.
4. When you can never finish a meal or show because something triggers your newest installment in the imaginary world of your future.
Often leads to you belting out the newest song you learned, playing random songs on the piano for your imaginary audience, or walking around outside drinking a water bottle that you had to go get because drinking helps you to think.
5. 50 million unfinished projects.
I tried to build a cat tree once. I got the box done. I still having hung up by string lights in my room. I have five scrapbooks that I need to complete. I painted one flower on my wall, but they were supposed to go all the way around.
The list goes on and on. It's just hard when so many new things feel so exciting and if I don't start them my energy is going to make me explode.
6. Retail therapy.
Stores are full of so many colors. It's a problem. Never mind that there is no more room on your walls, in your room, closet, or world.
It's shiny so you need it. You can deal with your bank account later.
7. "Why didn't you do your homework?"
My cat was really fluffy and cute last night. I was coloring. I needed to learn a new song on guitar. I found a new Broadway musical.
Snapchat had new filters. I was practicing for my audition. The office was on. There was more DIY projects on Pinterest. Mom made brownies. All of the above.
8. Word Vomit.
Filters are not welcome here, though they are likely needed. I tend to blurt out whatever comes to mind because of all the pent up energy.
However, I don't really think it through; I once told an entire room of people that I had stalked every single one of them on Facebook. Oops.
9. Names aren't exactly your strong suit.
*Meets someone ten minutes ago* I think her name was Sandy. Maybe Bonnie. Annabelle? Morgan? Maybe Clyde? Well, I guess I'll never know because I don't want to look like a jerk.
10. That one time you were on the phone with your boyfriend and freaked out because you couldn't find your phone.
Enough said...there was also that one time you found it in the refrigerator and in the drawer with the toothbrushes.
11. The crash.
When it's been a long, stimulating day and you just need to be alone. To my loved ones, I'm sorry if I snap or go silent. I am mentally exhausted and just trying to figure out how to focus and what to focus on. It sometimes gets hard to catch up and feels worse when you realize you are being left behind.
I realize that ADHD is so much more than this, trust me, I know. I just wanted to point out the humorous side of it because it can be hard to get up and deal with everyday. We have to sometimes find ways to laugh about our situation.