We all have that one friend who's been blessed (or so it seems at first) to become a member of a team to represent their school. Initially, we think that this is nothing different than what we were used to in high school, but that is not the case. Little did we know that when our beloved friends decided to sign with their school they were signing away their social life as well. Like having the Ann Perkins of our life move away, here's to all the Leslie Knopes out there that know the familiar feeling of having a once close friend not so close anymore.
1. Accepting the fact that they can't constantly talk to you.
2. In fact, they might not talk to you for days or borderline weeks.
3. When you finally do have time to catch up it's like making up for years worth of lost time.
4. Making plans with them is next to impossible during practice season.
5. Half of the time they're in other states with their team.
6. Even when they're on break they're not "on break".
7. Being able to physically see them is rare.
8. When you do get to see them you spend most of the time vegging out because they're exhausted from practice.
9. Having to say goodbye is more difficult each time.
10. You're never sure when you'll see them next but you'll still have each other's back.
11. Despite how often you both see each other you'll always be there to support them at the end of the day.
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