With celebrating my 19th Christmas this year, I'd like to look back at the greatest moments of Christmas when I was a kid -- when I believed in that one really popular dude living with a bunch of elves and penguins. Let's take a stroll down memory lane remembering the 11 best things about Christmas when you were a kid.
1. Being petrified of old St. Nick -- at first.
As a young infant, you were forced into snapping a shot with Santa at the mall, and now one of your family photo albums is blessed with a picture of you crying waterfalls and Santa smiling all while he's trying to calm you down, trying not to lose his cool or bust a nutcracker. Let's be real: Santa's creepy, and your one-year-old self knew that.
2. Believing in Santa.
Like Buddy the elf, you obsessed over that freakishly old man. You lived for Santa. During the month of December, you ate, breathed, and slept Santa.
3. Spending hours upon hours writing letters to that obese North Pole native.
This annual plead for mercy became a week-long project, asking your dad to check that you spelled everything correctly and decorating the letter and envelope with far too much glitter.
4. Staying up all night on Christmas Eve in order to meet Santa.
You downed six cups of hot chocolate in order to keep your eyes peeled on that Christmas tree. Nothing could stop you from seeing that fat, jolly fellow.
5. Then, falling asleep two minutes later.
And waking up to 50 presents underneath the Christmas tree. You're disappointed because you missed Santa, and he actually ate all of the cookies -- that bastard. But you're actually much happier because your faith in Santa continued.
6. Decorating Christmas cookies with the confidence of Van Gogh.
7. Eating Christmas cookies with the confidence of Joey Chestnut, not worried about how much weight you'll put on.
You were living it up as a kid hyped up on loads of sugar and Christmas cheer!
8. Learning how to wrap a present from Santa's greatest helper: your mom.
After two hours, your wrapped present for your sister still looked like a pile of red and green mashed potatoes wearing an embarrassing amount of snowflakes and name tags because your seven-year-old self didn't know that less is indeed more. Disappointed in your creation, your mom reassured you that it's the thought that counts. Then with your Christmas spirit restored, you ate 11 more cookies because IT'S CHRISTMAS!
9. SNOW!
Snowball fights! Igloos! Snowmen! Snow families! Snow angels! Snow heaven! You loved snow SO FREAKIN' MUCH until your friend pelted you in the face with 13 snowballs. You ran into the house crying, and the fun was over. Thanks, Robert for being such a butt face.
10. Getting coal for Christmas, crying for an hour because Santa really let you down, pleading with your parents that you were definitely on the nice list, and then -- as your parents start to chuckle -- realizing that you were the victim of a cruel, cruel Christmas prank.
But then it's totally fine after "Santa" gifts you with a 3-foot stuffed teddy bear.
11. Being a kid and celebrating Christmas with those you love. Nothing is better than that.
Happy holidays, and have a happy new year.