Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania is a small town located in North Eastern Pennsylvania, with a population of about 14,000 people. It’s known for being the only incorporated town in Pennsylvania, the site of the famous Bloomsburg Fair, and the home of the Bloomsburg University Huskies. While the town itself is sometimes thought to be annoyingly small, there are definitely some great parts of living in Bloomsburg that are worth remembering (especially after you move away).
1. You remember spending hours at old Kidsburg.
This was hands down the place to be when you were little. Whether it was almost falling of the tire swing, climbing through the towers with hordes of other kids, or having a school field trip lunch in the park, the past generations of Bloomsburg have infinite memories of this place. You were also more than a little sad when new Kidsburg was built, but at least the future generations have something similar to experience!
2. You went to/had at least one birthday party at Skatetown, the Town Pool, or Wolfey’s.
Although it later earned a relatively sketchy reputation in its later years, Skatetown used to be the site of some of the coolest birthday parties, with a mixture of skating, music, and arcade games. The Town Pool was a solid choice too, especially after the installation of the water slide. Last but not least, Wolfey’s was the best place to mini golf and get pizza.
3. The last week in September was the best.
As soon as the calendar turns to September, all any Bloomsburg citizen can think about is the upcoming fair and the subsequent week off of school the fair entails (yes, a week off of school). Whether you use that week for a post summer family vacation, a chance to earn some money working at the fair, or just a chance to stuff yourself full of fried food for a week, it’s one of the best parts of living in Bloomsburg. Even after you go to college, it’s almost certain you’ll make a trip back to catch one of the Fair Week weekends.
4. The Central vs. Bloomsburg rivalry was real.
This really needs no words. Two high schools within five miles of each other is sure to create competition, especially in sports. No matter which of the schools you went to, you always came out to support your school’s team, specifically during football season. Even if you had friends at the enemy school (which you likely did), you were still competitive with each other over who won the last game.
5. You have a preferred summer carnival stop.
Millville, Orangeville, I could go on. The summer carnivals are like mini fairs to stock up on enough fried food to last you until September. You also definitely have a favorite that you have to stop at just about every evening, to grab your must have snack (I may or may not already be thinking about the blueberry iced tea at the Orangeville carnival).
6. The Columbia Mall is a joke.
Yikes. What was once a treasure trove of a solid amount of stores in the 90s-early 2000s (Claire’s anyone?) has now become a bleak and empty building. If you’re stopping there it’s likely you’re stopping at Victoria’s Secret, Bath and Body Works or Gertrude Hawk for a last minute gift or you’re one of the elderly people who walk the halls of the mall for exercise.
7. Sheetz was the after school spot for Central.
At around 3 each week day, Sheetz would be overrun with Central students filing out of overstuffed cars to get nourishment. Whether it was getting Gatorade and snacks before practice/games, grabbing dinner before work, or just going to socialize, Sheetz was the spot to see everyone you just spent over 6 hours with. Even though I’m about Wawa now, I still think about Sheetz mozzarella sticks.
8. You know what's coming around the middle of April.
Hint: it involves police horses, binge drinking, and possibly some ambulances. Block Party usually just ends up being one of the first warm days of the year spent having fun with friends from Bloomsburg University and visitors from surrounding states although there are plenty of horror stories about the infamous weekend.
9. If it's past 9:00 p.m. there's maybe three places open.
Denny’s, Dunkin, and Tri Pi. Those were basically your only choices of places to go once night falls.
10. Speaking of pizza, you definitely have a favorite shop.
Naps, Tri Pi, OIP, Unida, and more. Everyone has a favorite and preference. The argument over where to go has probably caused at least one family dinner time fight.
11. Lastly, you know it's called "Bloom," not "Blooms".
I don’t know what this “Blooms” nonsense is or who made it up but it’s just simply incorrect. It’s Bloom.
So there you have it. Bloomsburg, while small and possibly stifling, does have some places worth remembering and possibly giving a visit the next time you’re home!