Providence College. A magical place bursting with the young, educated minds of our nation. A magical place that deserves to thanked once in a while, even for the things you may love to hate. Like the fact that they cancelled Nelly (not bitter, I swear). Cue the dramatic music.
1. Thank you, ladies who swipe my card in Ray, for always making me come 90 because you only come 10.
Dot, just reach for my card. Please.
2. Thank you, passive-aggressive signs in the Harkins bathrooms, for making me feel like I've done something wrong before I even use the facilities.
3. Thank you, Ruane Cafe, for "proudly serving Starbucks coffee" that does, in fact, taste like ass water.
4. Thank you, Dunkin' Donuts webcam, for making me feel resourceful but also incredibly creepy at the same time.
5. Thank you, Ray cereal guy, for stressing me out about dropping one Cocoa Puff.
6. Thank you, campus squirrels, for being ballsy enough to invade my personal space.
7. Thank you, paid psych studies, for coming in clutch with a bimonthly five dollar paycheck.
Make it rain.
8. Thank you, meningitis shots, for simultaneously freeing me of disease and paralyzing my arm for days.
9. Thank you, Guzman hill, for giving me the workout I never wanted.
10. Thank you, Dean Sears, for being the best looking male on campus. Haha, jokes. But seriously, hit me up.
11. Thank you, Providence College, for being the place where dreams come true.
Go friars.