Long-distance relationships suck. Of course, you love the other person with all your heart, but not being able to see them on the daily in person can get real frustrating, real quick. For those of you who have made it past the distance, I salute you and I feel you. Here are 11 conversations everyone in a long-distance relationship has had.
1. "I miss you"
This one is pretty obvious. It could be 3 months or 3 years you're spending apart from each other, so you're bound to miss your significant other like crazy.
2. "I wish you were here"
Usually followed by "I wish I could be there too." Whether you had a really bad day or wished you could have shared your awesome experience with your person, you constantly wish you were together. There's a really crappy feeling of missing out on their life when you're so far apart.
3. Family business
When you and your boyfriend/girlfriend visit each other, you get close to their family real quick. Pretty soon, you know everything about them; birthdays, anniversaries, favorite movies, what everyone usually does with their time, etc. You become part of the family and miss them just as much as you miss your S.O.
4. Work/school/random details about your day
Work sucks. Being able to tell your person about all the bullshit that happens makes it a little more bearable. (Note: yes, I did actually find a used condom in the sink and a toothbrush in the toilet in the bathroom when I worked at Starbucks.)
5. Good morning texts
Nothing says, "Today is gonna be a great day," like waking up to one of these.
6. Selfies
Not like you FaceTime them all the time or anything. At least you can save them without your boyfriend/girlfriend knowing you took a screenshot of their snap.
7. Dog (or other cute animal) pictures
That's with any good relationship though. (Seriously go follow @roofusandkilo on Instagram for all the cute puppy pics)
8. Plans for visits
Most long distance couples spend months raising funds for plane/train tickets or gas money to see each other. A lot of that time is also used figuring out what to do when, from picking each other up at the airport to planning out lazy days, so talking about future plans keeps you both excited until you're actually together in person. A lot of that time is also used figuring out what to do when, from picking each other up at the airport to planning out lazy days. When you're on a time constraint, every moment counts.
9. Personal plans
Not that anyone's keeping tabs on you, but it's always nice to know what your S.O. is doing so you feel included in their life and they're not constantly disappearing.
10. Messages of support
Most couples exchange this gesture with a hug, kiss, and a 'good luck', but with all the distance, showing support is a bit more difficult. Continued support of all their endeavors shows them you really are their biggest fan, no matter how far away you are.
11. "Goodnight"/"I love you"
The three little words that mean the most; a simple gesture to let your partner know you're thinking about them. Although both of you get extremely busy and life gets in the way, there's always that reminder you'll be together soon and that someone loves you more than words can explain.
What got you and your S.O. through the distance?