Memes are the inside jokes with the whole of the Internet. They're great and awful and bonding with people in real life would be a lot harder without them. Every so often, a large meme hits--one that demands attention. Seeing as how this election season is the way it is, I feel like it was designed for memes, because what else for, really? Politics, schmolitics. Why bother with those when you have the pinnacle of millennial comedy? I'm just joking of course. I actually love politics. I'm a political science major. Sometimes, amidst the frustration with these primaries, it's nice and even a bit of a relief to find large-spanning jokes (that are actually funny) pertaining to it because at least something good is coming out of this.
My favorite one so far is, hands down, the idea that Ted Cruz is the infamous Zodiac Killer. This affected me so much, I re-watched the movie (which I totally recommend--it's long but it's great and the cast is quality). There are both extensive and not so extensive theories. It is even now one of the most google questions in relation to presidential candidate Ted Cruz. I have no logical explanation as to why this particular one is so much funnier to me than the rest (and, lord knows, there have been plenty), but it is, and I am such trash for it that I laugh at every single one. So, since I'm such a good sharer, here are the 11 best Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer posts:
Twitter: @halrhorer
Twitter: @Lindzeta
Twitter: @CorCorMac
Twitter: @Yolo_Tengo
Twitter: @bakedalaska
11. (my personal favorite)
Facebook: Ted Cruz Is The Zodiac Killer page
These certainly don't make up all of them, just my favorites. These could change tomorrow and probably will because they keep coming. I still am not sure what it is about this meme that has me sending these to everyone I know with a sense of humor, but it kills me every time. Perhaps it's the possibility that one of the other candidates (you know who I'm talking about) might use it to their advantage or that CNN might cover this. I don't know. I do know, however, that people are getting more and more creative with it and I am still not tired of it. I even introduced it to my parents last time I was visiting and, honestly, my dad was the one who sent me a few of these. I find difficulty in explaining the strange sense of humor of this generation, but I'm not complaining about it.