We've all hit that point right about now. We're emotionally, physically, and mentally drained from all things school. Somehow, we're all sitting in the library still hoping that we can see a glimmer of motivation to push us forward to at least start thinking about finals. Well, here's another reason to stop that and procrastinate a little longer and think about all the things we should do this summer.
1. Catch up on all the sleep that you've lost the past year.
We've all averaged about four hours of sleep a night. That adds up after a year especially when you're running from class to meeting and back to class all day long.
2. Mourn the death of your good grades.
Surely, our parents will understand. We tried the best we could and by this time of the year it feels like we've been working four full-time jobs.
3. Go to the lake.
We're literally 45 minutes from the lake but who has time to go when you just pulled an all-nighter? Get on a boat with friends and enjoy sun, water, and chilling out.
4. Binge watch that Netflix series that you haven't been able to get to.
Let's face it. We watch Netflix through the year a lot somehow, but there's always that one series that eludes us. It could be because it has the 40 minute episodes instead of the 20 minute ones or maybe it just takes too much thought to understand what's happening. Now we can finally catch up.
5. Eat real food.
Our meals right now consist of Uncrustables, Lunchables and Mountain Dew. Take the time to cook a meal yourself, or better yet, eat mom's home cooked food.
6. Do nothing.
This one's pretty self-explanatory. We're tired of thinking. Lay on your bed, stare at the ceiling, and don't think.
7. Get a summer job.
You inevitably will get bored so apply for a job to keep you somewhat busy. You also need that money to fund the craziness of school for the rest of the year. However, your choices might be slim.
8. Hang out with your hometown friends.
It's most likely been a while since you've seen your old friends. Go out and grab a bite to eat with them while you catch up.
9. Or, sit in your room...by yourself...and talk to no one.
Sometimes, we just need isolation. We've been around people 24/7 for the past nine months.
10. Spend some time with your family.
11. Prepare for the beginning of school once again.
As much as we don't want to think about it, school will start again. Prepare for it as the summer ends so you're not totally shocked when it rolls back around.
Here's to a great summer and relaxing times with great friends. Enjoy it! You just have to make it through finals. You can do it.