Being a first-semester freshman, you notice that finals week is much more stressful in college than it is in high school. Everyone is running around worried about their grades and turning in their final projects. Below is a list of all things students feel during this most stressful time of year.
1. First, the stress from not doing any work over Thanksgiving
3. You start calculating what you need on the final to get an A in the class.
Then it turns out to be some crazy number you can't possibly get.
4. You realize you have procrastinated studying for too long
Because apparently there is a difference between studying and watching Netflix with open notes sitting next to you. Who knew?
5. You become too overwhelmed
6. You wonder if you really need a college education
7. Regular chores become a hassel during finals week
8. You start bargaining
If I pass this class, I will go to church, cure cancer and end world hunger.
9. You start counting the days until winter break
10. The sheer panic you feel the day of the exam
11. That feeling when finals are over and you get to go home