Resting bitch face is one of those problems that you don't understand unless you truly suffer from it. Having people constantly ask you if you're upset, or if you're angry are just common questions that you learn to answer. I can't even tell you how many people have asked me, "What's wrong?" and I just have to reply, "Nothing, it's just my face." Here are some common struggles that people that suffer from RBF know to be true.
1. "I thought you were a bitch before I got to know you!"
Contrary to popular belief, my face is not an accurate depiction of my personality.
2. People always ask you what's wrong.
I promise you, I am really fine. But if you keep asking me what's wrong, I'm going to start to get annoyed.
3. People always tell you to smile more.
Seriously, who walks around with a permanent smile plastered on their face? I'll smile when I feel like it thanks.
4. Unintentionally glaring at everyone you see.
I've been confronted by people asking why I was glaring at them and I am once again forced to explain that I honestly just can't help my face.
5. People telling you that you are intimidating.
I'm pretty sure half of my friends have confessed that they felt intimidated to talk to me at first. I promise I'm actually a really nice person.
6. Trying to fake a smile so that you don't look so angry.
It may not be my natural smile, but it's better than my resting bitch face.
7. Seeing other people with RBF and realizing that it actually does look scary.
8. When you take candid / serious pictures with your friends and you just look straight up scary.
They always end up looking great and then there you are looking like you actually want to kill someone.
9. When you're actually mad, everyone better clear the way.
This time my bitch face is intentional.
10. You never look like you're having a good time.
You always have to act super enthusiastic so that people think you're actually enjoying yourself.