We all know that girl who has to plan two weeks ahead to be able to attend the biggest birthday party of the summer. We also know that guy who, even though he's a dude and the social norms and restrictions of Muslim American culture seem to only apply to the female gender, can't make it to the biggest Mets game of the year. We seem to know that type of person because of one reason and one reason alone: they both have parents that are the traditional, run-of-the-mill Muslim parent.
1. The elephant in the room.
The rumors are true. It really does take 5-7 business days to convince our parents to do anything remotely social past the allotted evening time.
2. If we wanted to stay out past 9 pm or, God forbid, sleepover at a friend's house, make that 7-14 business days.
It always made me chuckle whenever friends would ask me to ask my parents' permission to sleep over that same night (because we already knew the answer).
3. Sibling bonding, essentially.
You and your siblings would huddle up to come up with a plan to help one another out on the perfect excuse to showcase to your parents for a weekend out.
4. The perfect timing had a lot to do with downtime.
I don't know if this was just my mom but whenever I would catch her watching television or talking on the phone gossiping with a friend, it would be the perfect time to ask for whatever I wanted.
5. If the answer was a no the first time, the answer will be a no the next 9 times.
Literally, no means no.
6. We never have the constant luxuries of staying out two night in a row.
Most times, we have to deliberate between choosing to go out on a Friday night or a Saturday - never both.
7. Once a plan is set, it's set in stone.
There is no such thing as changing the day's plans. If this happens more than once, questions come up which will then tire out our parents and make them go back on their already hesitant 'yes' they gave us 5-7 business days ago.
8. A significant other is a delicacy.
If you had/have a boyfriend, your parents won't know about them for a long time and by time, I mean once you and said boyfriend are completely serious about one another.
9. "Freedom"
"There's no such thing as "21!!" because if you're living under my roof, it's my rules. All the time." - My mother.
10. Anything extra was considered rebelling against one's parents.
I will literally never forget the first time I pierced my bellybutton and my mom found out. Say no more.