Oh coffee it is the thing that keeps you from being a monster in the mornings. It gets you through that 3 hour lecture or long work day. Some people don't understand why you are so dependable on your cup of Joe each morning. You know what is good coffee and what is bad coffee, and will not settle for less. Especially decaf, it's that shady side of town your parents told you that you could not go to when you were a kid. Here are some life struggles only coffee-holics will truly understand.
1. When you first wake up in the morning and have not had your coffee yet.
You probably are walking around the house like a zombie at this point thinking give me coffee, where is the coffee?
2. When someone tries to talk to you before you have had your coffee.
Can you just not? They should know not to talk to you before you have had at least 2 cups in you. If they bring you coffee that is a different story, you will gladly listen to them then.
3. When the line at the coffee shop is outrageously long.
Feeling like you will never get your coffee and that you may die in this line. Just keep your mind on the smell of the delicious coffee to get you through it.
4. One word: caffeine headaches.
THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD! Serious not even kidding, those who have had one would agree. It is worse than nails on a chalkboard.
5. Seeing someone order decaf in front of you.
It makes you think what is wrong with them? Don't they know that is not even real coffee, luckily you know the difference.
6. When the effect of the caffeine starts to wear off of you.
Need more, I need more coffee stat! Better get some more caffeine before you start moving sluggish.
7. You could probably order coffee in your sleep.
You may even dream about coffee, that is okay no one is judging you. Continue your sweet dreams of lattes, cappuccinos, and dark roasts.
8. When you try to drink tea but it just is not the same.
It just insults you a little bit. How do people drink this stuff, where is the kick? Give me my espresso.
9. Planning you day around your coffee breaks.
Okay you have 10 minutes between math and geology, time for a coffee break. Sorry I can't meet you after class I have to get coffee.
10. When you have way too many coffee cups.
You can never have too many right? What if one breaks and you need to replace it. And you have to have a mug for every holiday it is like a must right?
11. Knowing you have a problem but could care less.
They say the first step is admitting you have a problem, I say the first step is pouring yourself a cup of coffee.