In high school, the greatest part of the year was summer vacation when all the work was over and you could relax at home. Now that we're in college, summer still means the end of school work but it also means leaving your beloved campus and friends for the next four months.
If you're in the majority, like me, this also means packing up your dorm room and heading back home to mom and dad's house. Sure, this means spending time with your family, home cooked meals, and someone to do your laundry, but after living on your own for the past eight months, moving back home sure is an adjustment. Here are the 11 struggles college students experience when returning home for the summer.
1. Unpacking
Even though your dorm room is a quarter of the size of your room at home, you can't find the space to put anything.
2. Not living 100 feet from your friends
You mean if I want to make plans I actually have to text/call my friends and can’t just walk into their room?
3. Fighting over the television station with your family
Because your dad just isn't as excited about "The Bachelor" premiere as you are.
4. Trying to find a job
As much as you don't want a job, you'll need some sort of income to fund your shopping and eating habits.
5. Running into your high school classmates basically everywhere
And you end up talking with them more now than you did when you went to school with them six hours a day for four years.
6. The nightly "where are you?" texts
Mom, I'm in bed. I got home an hour ago ...
7. Having nothing to do
Because everyone's hometown is the most boring place on earth.
8. Your bedroom has become a dumping ground for miscellaneous household items
Pretty sure these boxes of men's sweaters and this fake christmas tree aren't mine.
9. Waking up every morning with a "to-do" list from your parents
What else would I rather do on this beautiful day than take out the trash, walk the dog and go grocery shopping?
10. Reversed sleep schedule
Apparently my parents don't appreciate me going out at 11 pm, coming home at 3 a.m., then sleeping into the afternoon.
11. Having to wait four months until you can move back into school
Because four months away from college is just too long.