Life is full of decisions, some important, and others not so much. But easy or not, some people have a difficult time making decisions. I am one of those people. When it counts, I can usually make a pretty sound decision, but when life throws me multiple options at the same time, well, that is when it gets tricky. Being indecisive can be annoying, but some people just can't help being plagued by it.
Here are 11 struggles indecisive people are faced with.
1. People often get frustrated with you.
Apparently they don't want to make the decision either, so you're stuck with it. Then, your friends get frustrated when you can't make up your mind.
2. But you also get frustrated with yourself.
Trust me, I annoy myself enough by having trouble making choices. It sucks!
3. Trying to plan meals is exhausting.
Do I want pizza, pasta or salad? Can I have it all? Why is this so hard?! This is usually why I wander around the grocery store for so long every time I go...
4. Figuring out what subject you want to write essays about is tough.
I've had professors assign papers and give no prompt and no direction on what to write about. This is also known as a form of torture for indecisive people.
5. Trying to plan your future for post-grad? Yeah, good luck.
This is the stage in life where I'm at right now. I graduate in two months and still have no idea where I want to live and what I want to do. The job search is not an easy task for the indecisive.
6. If you're dating another indecisive person, the struggle is doubled.
Planning dinner and date nights is a never-ending struggle to figure out what to do, because neither one of you wants to decide.
7. Buying presents for people is nearly impossible.
I like giving gifts, but I'm always worried people won't like them. Christmas and birthdays are important, and I just don't want to mess it up.
8. I also never know what to tell people to get me.
My mom always gets annoyed with me when I never know what I want for my birthday or Christmas. Sorry, Mom.
9. Multiple choice exams haunt you.
There are so many options, but what do I choose?!
10. You're the last to order at restaurants.
Restaurants with massive menus, like the Cheesecake Factory, intimidate you and always cause you to flip flop. You have to tell the server constantly that you need more time, because it all sounds so good.
11. Trying new things is scary.
Sticking to your routine or things you know you like is always a safe bet. Indecisive people can be skeptical of trying new things because an unknown outcome can be frightening.