Long hair can be great. It’s pretty, soft and a seemingly effortless way to look classy. I mean, you literally look like a mermaid all the time. What's not to love?
A lot. There are a lot of things not to love about long hair. In fact, I can name several off the top of my head (pun intended).
1. It gets caught in everything.
One time my guinea pig got caught in my friend's hair, and it took at least 10 minutes to get him out.
2. Two words: Hair ties.
RIP to all of the hair ties my hair has snapped.
3. There's too much of it to really style.
You can curl it or straighten it, but that's about it. Buns look ridiculous because they're so big, and your hair is too heavy for any sort of cute up-do.
4. Brushing it is painful.
Tangles on tangles on tangles. Not to mention how sore your arms get.
5. You shed everywhere.
You can always tell if I've been in a room because I leave my hair everywhere.
6. Wind becomes your enemy.
You wish this is what wind did to your hair. Instead, it turns your locks into more of a tumbleweed than actual human hair.
7. It gets in all your food.
I actually think this is the greatest invention I've ever seen, and I will definitely be making an investment. I once found an entire tortilla chip in the back of my hair that nobody told me about. I can't eat food without my hair getting dipped into it.
8. It's hot in a bad way.
There is nothing more uncomfortable than having your hair stick to the back of your sweaty neck. Ew.
9. It's a huge time commitment.
I just need to brush it, wash it, brush it again, blow dry it and straighten it, and then I'll be ready to go.
10. If it's not up, it's always in your face.
It never stays where it's supposed to.
11. You're constantly in limbo of wanting to chop it all off or grow it even longer.
But you know you'd regret it instantly.
You can make really sick beards though.
Worth it.