Even though we love Wells, there's a few things that always make us cringe, just like at any other college.
1. Awkwardly having to explain to people that we don't actually have a mascot.
When someone asks what our mascot is if were the Express, and you have to explain that we don't have one, but we DO have these three lines which I'm sure has some meaning behind them.
2. Waiting in the HUGE line at the DHall on Buffalo Chicken Wrap day
There's barely ever a line for the dining hall, but on Buffalo Chicken Wrap days the line goes all the way out to "the esophagus."
3. EVERYTHING is on a hill.
Want to go to class? Hill. Go work out? Hill. Get your car from the parking lot? Hill. Watch a soccer game? Hill. There's always a hill. But on the bright side by the end of these four years you'll have some killer calves.
4. You're basically screwed if you get hungry late at night because there's nothing in Aurora.
Besides Dorie's and the Fargo there really isn't any other place that you can go to eat unless you want to drive into Ithaca or Auburn. But if you don't have a car on campus, you have no other choice but to eat your Easy Mac or Ramen for the 30th day in a row.
5. Unless you have Verizon, you have zero cell service on campus.
At least if you have an iPhone you can iMessage and FaceTime, but if you don't, then good luck.
6. Never being able to do your laundry because the washers are almost always broken.
Thanks, Mac Gray.
ResNet is NOT your friend, especially when you have homework due.
8. Having to walk all the way to Woods Lot to get your car as an underclassman.
It's just SO far away.
9. Not being able to make a sandwich to-go from the dining hall.
Sometimes you have to rush and grab a sandwich and head out to another class, but unfortunately that's not going to fly with the dining hall staff.
10. Having to pay for the crazy damages that people do in the residence halls.
Broken sinks, sinks being clogged by food, puke on furniture, ramen noodles being all over the floor, you name it.
11. People from other schools not understanding how AWESOME our traditions are.
Our traditions at Wells are so different from any other colleges. Oddline and Evenline, Junior Blast, Erotic Ball, and many more are what make our college so special.