1. You spend all your money on hair ties.
A hair tie usually only lasts a week. They either all snap or stretch too much that they are useless. They also waste all your money because you can't get the cheap ones because they don't hold your hair.
2. You can't sleep on it wet without waking up with a lion's mane.
If you want to have nice hair the next morning you probably do not go to bed with a wet head. Waking up is horrifying when seeing your hair. Frizzy is an understatement.
3. Straightening your hair takes a good 2 hours.
Having a lot of hair is not an advantage when wanting to straighten your hair. You need patience and many hair ties and clips to try to divide your hair into sections. The struggle is real when you have to get the back of your head which are the hardest spots.
4. Bobby pins do not work.
Thick hair pretty much eats bobby pins. If anyone with thick hair wants to put their hair back, a bobby pin is not the answer...not unless you want to use about 20.
5. The amount of hair that comes out in the shower is concerning.
Sometimes you think you need to see a doctor because of all the hair you pull out in the shower. It is sometimes mind boggling that you have as thick as hair as you do, with all the hair that ends up on the wall of the shower.
6. Having your hair down makes you 10x hotter than everyone else.
And I don't mean hot as in looks. It could be 70 degrees and you will still be sweating because of all the hair on your neck. Summer is best known for a lot of ponytails because who wants that extra heat on your neck?
7. Humidity is your worst enemy.
Humidity: the worst thing to ever exist, especially for people with thick hair. Humidity brings the heat, which brings sweat, which brings frizz. If it is humid, do not expect the hair to be down because it will not look presentable.
8. When the hair tie doesn't go around 3 times but when it goes around twice it's too loose.
If this isn't the biggest struggle then I don't know what is. Thick hair needs a tight ponytail or it will not stay up. And when you realize the ponytail cannot fit around 3 times, it's like a mini-heartbreak. And if you want to try to put it around 3 times it snaps.
9. You can't take out a ponytail and expect the hair to flow.
If a ponytail is the hair style for the day, it will be the style until bed time. Putting your hair down from a ponytail does not work. Unless you want a huge crease in your head, the ponytail stays in.
10. Air drying still takes the whole day.
Telling yourself "oh I'll just air dry my hair" and then having it wet 5 hours later. Might as well blow dry it at that point.
11. A comb.
I will just leave it at that because if you have thick hair you will most definitely understand this one.