As an Animal Behavior major, I talk about animals all the time. So I decided that it was about time that I shared some of the strangest ones I have come across with you.
This is a list of some of the weirdest animals that I know about.
1. Pink Fairy "Sushi" Armadillo
These little guys are the smallest species of armadillo in the world, and they can even fit into the palm of your hand. Although not many of them have been weighed, those that have been weigh in at less than a pound, making them extremely light. They're often nicknamed the "Sushi" armadillo because of how much they resemble sushi, but I don't know anyone who would want to eat this creature. (They're probably the most adorable on this list.)
2. Indian Purple Frog
This amphibian is an endangered species native to India, and members of this species are unlike any other frog in that they burrow underground. They spend most of the year under there, and basically only emerge to mate. They can be seen as quite ugly animals, but I think they look pretty decent for not seeing any light for more than 11 months.
3. Sea Pig
These animals are dubbed "sea pigs," although they are really named Scotoplanes. They're sea cucumbers, and they live deep on the ocean floor. The most interesting thing about them is that their feet are actually inflated and deflated using water cavities, which causes them to change size, making some of them look more like pigs than others.4. Red-lipped Batfish
These fish are found off the Galapagos Islands and Peru, but they are not your normal fish. Due to their below-average swimming abilities, batfish use their pectoral fins to walk on the ocean floor, which is really odd. Plus, who can name any other animal with bright red lips?5. Thorny Dragon
These "dragons" are technically lizards, but that doesn't stop them from living up to their dragon potential. You can find them on the Australian Outback, fooling predators with the "false head" on their back, which they show when they lower their head between their legs.
6. Okapi
If you had to guess, which animal is the okapi most closely related to? If you guessed, zebra, you're wrong. Okapis are actually more closely related to giraffes, and like giraffes, they have long, blue tongues which they use to strip leaves from trees and bushes. Okapis can even clean out their ears with them!
7. Glasswinged Butterfly
These animals are butterflies, which aren't very strange at all. However, I'm sure you can guess why I put them on this list: their wings are transparent. Much of their wings are missing the colored scales that normal butterflies have, causing them to appear see-through. In my opinion, even if you don't like insects, you have to agree that the glasswinged butterfly is quite a beautiful creature.8. Green Basilisk Lizard
Maybe you can guess why I think this lizard is strange from the image above. But if you couldn't figure it out: these creatures can run on water. Basically, they have extremely long toes with special skin that unfurl in the water, and as long as they rapidly run, they create air pockets that keep them afloat. This causes people to call them "Jesus Christ Lizards."9. Saiga Antelope
Just look at this guy's proboscis, or nose. It may look funny, but it actually helps regulate body temperature. Also, not only are their noses peculiar, but their horns are as well. Only the males have them, and because of the unique ringed pattern on the horns, the animals are often killed for them, which has led them to become critically endangered.
10. Hummingbird Hawk Moth
This type of moth that feeds on flowers just like hummingbirds do, which often gets them mistaken for the tiny birds. They make the same humming sound that hummingbirds do as well, because they flit their wings so fast when feeding.
11. Aye-aye
I'm willing to bet that most of you have never even heard of these animals before. They are the elusive aye-aye of Madagascar, and my favorite on this list. They're nocturnal lemurs that use their extremely long middle fingers to tap on the trees to find insect larvae. Basically, the aye-ayes listen for echos in the trees to find the hollow chambers that the larvae live in. Unfortunately though, in Madagascar, aye-ayes are considered bad luck. They're usually considered a symbol of death, so, if spotted, they are usually killed.