.Well, it's that time of year again. That time where we have to accept our fate and try shopping for Christmas presents. Every year, we try to do it around Black Friday to get the deals, or at least try to finish it somewhat early, or we even try online. That never seems to happen. Here are the stages of trying to shop for Christmas.
1. The realization.
2. The counting of people you have to buy for.
I have to buy how many?! I mean, you can never forget about anyone, or else you'll never hear the end of it at family gatherings.
3. Denial.
I just don't want to start. No thanks.
4. Checking online.
'Oh, maybe I can find everything that I need without having to put pants on!' You will never be able to online shop for other people. It gets frustrating.
5. Giving up and going to the Mall.
Why do they have to have so many different stores? Where's the one store that has it all?
6. Wanting to only buy things for yourself.
Oh. I would love to have something like this. Can I just buy myself things? No? Fine.
7. Needing to stop in the food court.
Go ahead. Eat that Cinnabun! You deserve a little snack to reward yourself for all the good deeds that you are doing!
8. Realizing how much you're spending.
Wait? I've dropped how much? That's like, half a year of tuition? I've only been here for three hours! Oh, whatever. If you buy presents for other people, you can convince yourself it doesn't matter how much you spent as long as you make others happy.
9. Wrapping the presents.
Wrapping is the bane of my existence. I cannot do it well, fast, or successfully.
10. Trying not to tell people what you got them.
I cannot keep a secret. I always end up telling people what I got them. I know; I am that person.
11. The satisfaction you get after the opening of your gift.
Nothing is better than someone opening a gift that you know they will like! So enjoy the satisfaction of someone's happiness, because that's what this Christmas season is all about, isn't it? Joy and Cheer.