Your car won't start, you got in a fight with a friend, and you've been consistently running late all week. Bad days are inevitable. But the tears and red faces don't have to last a full 24 hours. There is value in each day, even a bad one. If you make the effort, there's always a way to make a bad day better.
1. Allow yourself to feel negative emotions
Give yourself some time to feel disappointment or anger. However, don't let these feelings last all day.
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2. Recognize that emotions are temporary
You won't feel this way forever, and, more than likely, you won't feel this way in a few hours or less.
3. Try to see the good in the bad
So maybe you got a bad grade on an assignment. Maybe you got caught in the rain on your walk to work. You can move forward and use this as motivation to work harder and prepare more effectively, or you can mope about it.
4. Count the positive things that the day has brought
They're easy to miss. Mentally walk through your day and note each good thing. Breakfast was tasty. You ran into an old friend.
5. Take some "me time"
When you can, indulge in some of your favorite things. Watch Netflix or make some cookies.
6. Listen to your favorite songs
Music can seriously affect your mood. Make sure the songs are upbeat and happy. With almost no effort, you'll find your negative emotions have gone.
7. Spend time with those closest to you
This doesn't necessarily have to mean in person. Call a friend or significant other just to enjoy talking to someone you care about.
8. Go outside
The outdoors have been proven over and over to combat depression, anxiety, and negative feelings.
9. Eat something
It's easy to not eat enough when you're busy or upset. But your body needs food to function. Feed it well.
10. Hydrate
The majority of people live their lives constantly dehydrated. This causes fatigue, headaches, and other pains. You'd be surprised by how much staying hydrated affects you.
11. Live in the moment
Remember, what's past is past, and the present is all you have.