Everyone has a particular connotation about the sunshine state. Some people only think of the old people that move to that state to retire. Others think of all the oranges that come from the area. Even more people think about the huge Hispanic population living in Miami or the major spring break scene in so many cities on the coast. Whatever the connotation that people think of, there are a few stages that a person goes through while traveling through this state and staying in a particular location for any amount of time.
1. So warm!!
As soon as you get out of the airport, you can feel the warmth of the air and it puts you in a good mood right off the bat because you can’t wait to bask in the glory of the warm atmosphere!
2. Palm trees!!
The trees are gorgeous and unique, making you aware of where you are and making you even happier.
3. Can these drivers be slower? 
It becomes more obvious as you leave the airport that this state has a lot of old people who really can’t drive anymore. The speed limit is 65 and we’re going…50? Really?
4. Wow those birds are huge…
As you drive to the pretty hotel, you see giant pelicans and cranes and hawks. While you know they don’t see you as prey, seeing them lunge towards you does not inspire confidence.
5. The sand is so soft and the wind is so refreshing!
That first step on the beach is like a breath of life. You are finally back in a tropical place and nothing can be so wrong that the sand and a sea breeze can’t fix, right?
6. The water is pretty murky…OMG what was that?!
Swimming is wonderful, but you feel a little apprehensive as you remember that the water is warmer here and therefore there are a lot of animals in this area…every shadow looks like a deadly shark or a sting ray coming right at you.
7. Crazy beach hair
After that first swim, you don’t give your wet hair much thought, but eventually you notice the tangled strands of hair whipping around your head. You appreciate it in a sense because it represents you went swimming in the warm water…but it doesn’t feel too healthy either.
8. Burnt legs
Being pasty doesn’t mix well with the warm Florida sun. The first few days are full with painful winces and rubbing Aloe all over our legs and chest and arms and everywhere else that became pink instead of white.
9. How much sand is in my hair?
Showering after the first day on the beach makes you realize how much of the ocean really got stuck in your hair and all over your body.
10. Air conditioned rooms
After a day in the sun, you’re excited to get under some shade for a bit, but as you walk into your hotel room you immediately feel freezing cold from the excessive AC in the room. After a time, you appreciate it, but initially it is an unpleasant experience.
11. Am I on fire?
As the sunburn becomes older, your skin feels unnaturally hot. Adding Aloe helps, but unfortunately there’s nothing to do but wait. As the vacation continues, your skin will become more brown than red, but you have to tough it out the first few days.