As the final days of schools wind down, summer vacation begins. There's many stages to this break from the worries and stresses of school. When thinking about how to describe these stages, who better to model them than Spongebob.
1. Waiting for the last day
You can barely contain your excitment for summer as the year comes to a close. The warm outside weather has you itchy for the school day to be over so you can outside and enjoy the taste of the summer to come.
2. Leaving on the last day
You turn in you final papers and projects, clear out your locker, and head out the door for the last time for the next three months. Or in college, walking out of dorm after everything has been taken down and packed and you look at bare walls of room you won't be in again.
3. Doing nothing
The glorious days of no school work when you can sit back and enjoy you time off.
4. Becoming bored doing nothing
You've grown tired of doing nothing and secretly long for something to do. Until something comes around, you just embrace an amlost vegitative state and continue your ritual of nothing.
5. Making plans with friends
Making plans has you excited since you can break you boredum and get out of the house. Not to mention, you probably missed your friends, especially if you all just return home after a year of college.
6. Hanging with friends
If you're like me, there's no one that can make you laugh more that your best friends. Getting to spend time with them probably results in many stomach aches from so much laughter.
7. Getting ready for a trip
If this a big trip, maybe to the beach or somewhere like Disney, you've been ready for months. Months of building exctiement has finally reached it's apex. You feel like you were born ready for this. You're ready to roll.
8. Starting your trip
You reach your destination and can longer help but express your excitement. You are filled with child-like glee. You can't wait to explore and have the time of your life.
9. Going home
You've enjoyed your time away from home and really don't want to leave. If only it was possible to stay there without a care in the world, you totally would.
10. Realizing Summer is almost over
Stay calm. Don't panic yet, you still have some time off. Just because the book list was put up doesn't mean you need to revert to school mood. Enjoy the last couple days off until you need to get ready to go back.
11. Leaving home to go back
Let's face it, you both dread and look forward to this moment. You don't want to leave the careless lifestyle and all your friends, but at the same time, you can't wait for the hubbub of the college lifestyle.
12. The end, the first day of classes
Ah, the first day to the new academic year, you promise yourself and your parents that you will do. Right now, glancing through the syllabus, you think it won't be an awful semester, but you know that's probably false. Well, here's to the semester, hopefully things goes well.
Well, this brings me to the end of this article. Enjoy your summer, relax lots, eat lots, and have the time of lives.