In the past, I have been SUPER careful with my electronics. I had two iPhones prior to the one I have now, and I did not scratch them at all. In fact, they were in such good shape for when I went for my upgrades, they took the phones back and I got a discount. So this past week, when I dropped my phone and completely shattered it, I was really disappointed in myself. LOL. Here are the various stages of shattering and then trying to fix your iPhone:
1. Actually dropping your iPhone.
I dropped it on the corner of a sidewalk and grass. Unfortunately it did not land on the grass.
2. The moment of hope that the screen didn't actually shatter.
When I dropped it I could literally hear the glass break so in the back of my mind I knew my chances were low. But hey, a girl can dream.
3. Looking at the screen and feeling your heart break.
Based off my facial reaction, I wasn't really surprised because the way my luck goes, my phone was bound to shatter sometime soon. But internally, you bet I was crying.
4. Showing everyone what you did to your phone.
Yeah, idk it's just a great topic of conversation.
5. Living with a cracked screen for a few days.
I couldn't really read anything correctly and every time I went to snapchat someone, there was a weird blur on the screen because I damaged the front facing camera.
6. Getting glass shards in your fingers.
I never thought this actually happened. I just figured my friends who this happened to were being dramatic. But I seriously got glass splinters and they DO hurt.
7. Fighting the crowd at the Apple Store.
No seriously, is there ever a time when this store is not packed??? God Bless the patience of those Geniuses
8. Waiting the four hours it took to fix it.
Okay four hours may be an exaggeration, but it definitely felt that long. It may have been about two and half hours. Idk why it took so long because the Apple Store is usually very prompt, but it took a while and I HATE the mall so this was a miserable day.
9. Having to pay for your mistake.
It sucks to have to spend money on something that was completely avoidable, especially when your ballin on a budget.
GREATEST news of the day!
11. Finally getting a brand new screen!
I promise I will cherish you my precious new screen <3