When you date someone who is not only an outspoken person but also very opinionated the relationship can get a little rocky. You might feel like you have to warn people before meeting them, "Please do not get offended, they really don't mean any harm." Honestly, you don’t fully understand why they can have such a spirited debate on the smallest issues, but you do learn to love them... in stages.
1. It catches you by surprise.
You had no idea your adorable crush was such a talker. Either you were blinded by love or they were waiting for the perfect time to spring it on you.
2. You think it's funny and cute.
"Ehh it's no big deal..." You think all their ideas are cute or funny, and you just laugh when they spiral off into a tangent.
3. You actually start listening to what they’re saying.
You finally understand why they're always making people upset. You're adorable loved one is kind of offensive.
4. The arguing begins.
Now that you're actually listening you realize you two don’t actually agree on much.
5. You politely warn them to be good at social gatherings.
Certain topics are off limits because you know it will only set them off.6. You realize that they are crazy.
You now realize that you're dating a crazy person who has a completely different understanding of how the world works or at least they say they do.
7. You begin contemplating your relationship.
Can you be in a relationship with someone with such strong opinions on everything from governmental conspiracies to peanut butter brands.
8. You know they're worth it!
You begrudgingly decide that these little differences make you two who you are. And because they feel so strongly about everything they are crazy over you.
9. You learn to embrace it.
You no longer feel the need to warn people (as much). You let them be who they are because in the end there’s nothing you can do about it anyways.