11 Sophia Bush Quotes To Live By | The Odyssey Online
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11 Sophia Bush Quotes To Live By

A Truly Remarkable Actress And Activist With A Mantra That Can Inspire Anyone

11 Sophia Bush Quotes To Live By
Instagram/ Sophia Bush

If you do not already know the famous Brook Davis from "One Tree Hill" or Erin Lindsay from "Chicago P.D." then please stop what you are doing and enlighten yourself about the woman who brings life to those characters: Sophia Bush. She is an actress, activist, and someone we can all learn and aspire to think more like. Here are some quotes from Sophia that prove she's a great example to emulate and that she knows what’s up!

1.“I have walked away from friendships when I've realized that someone smiles to someone's face and talks about them the minute they walk out of a room. I have no room in my life for that kind of negative energy anymore.”

Honestly, we have all met these people, and if you are one, then cut the crap because you are better than that. The phrase "small minds discuss each other and big minds discuss ideas" is too true, and instead of utilizing your time bashing someone for their flaws, focus on bettering yourself. It is a privilege to call someone a friend and if you find that some are not impacting your life in a positive way, than maybe it’s time to make some new ones.

Wouldn’t you rather be friends with someone more like Sophia?

2.“I’ve always wanted to fight for people who didn’t have arms. I’ve always wanted to speak up for people who don’t have a voice. I’ve always wanted to protect people who couldn’t protect themselves. It’s my nature. It’s my instinct."

3.“People just deserve to be treated with kindness."

Plain and simple. No one should get the wrath of your bad day.

4.“To be happy, it first takes being comfortable being in your own shoes. The rest can work up from there.”

This is one of my favorites because confidence is key here, people! This life is hard enough for everyone and more often than not, we are challenged with obstacles that test our limits, making us want to throw in the towel about whatever’s weighing us down. You simply cannot bash yourself, settle for less than you deserve, or wish you were someone else. You truly have been given this life because you are strong enough to live it, so embrace who you are! Being your own best friend and striving to be the best you that you can is vital to making it anywhere, because you are in fact the best YOU there is.

5. “Your body tells you what it needs, and if you sleep past your alarm on a Saturday morning, it's probably because you need the sleep.”

Sophia said it best, : give yourself a break! Seriously, hit that snooze button if you can because nothing is better than feeling well rested.

6. “I think it’s an absolutely ludicrous idea that beauty only fits in one box. You look at history, look at who are our most beautiful, iconic women in the world and they’re all different shapes and sizes and colors and heights. It doesn’t matter what measurement is around our thighs; it matters what you put out into the world. It matters how many times a day you smile, and that you are good to the people in your life. Are you good to the people you work with? Are you good to your family and your friends? Are you good to your community? Those are the things that make a person beautiful.”

Simply beYOUtiful.

7.“Because, sorry to say, women run the house. They run the family. They hold things up. I mean, it's like you don't ever see your mom getting sick because she handles everything. And it's kind of amazing I think to show people just how strong women are.”

WOW! Too true, am I right?! The women who step up and try their best everyday should be the ones we should be striving to be more like, instead of the ones who just get the most “likes” (Pun intended).

8.“I fight for the environment because we only have one planet, but I see how the environment affects poverty and how the environment affects women around the world.”

9.“To me, I think people who don't think it's a big deal to toss a plastic bottle in the garbage are not only being irresponsible, but I think they're being disrespectful of all the other humans on earth.”

10.“Life throws some curve balls at you and you go where it takes you.”

To me, this means and I could be wrong (sorry, Sophia) that you do not always have to have the answer. You do not always need to know how to solve problems--you just have to face them, learn, and grow into the person you want and are meant to be.

11. “Life is short. Make it great. Let nothing take you down."

So thank you to the incredibly influential Sophia Bush for just a few quotes that can give a better perspective on life.

So, now ask yourself who inspires you to be better? To be more?

Please remember you are beautiful. Do not be scared to love, feel and forgive. Strive to be more passionate, loyal, and yourself. Love the right people and have compassion for the wrong ones. Be a light in your own darkness, especially one for someone you love. Even if it’s incredibly hard right now strive to be an optimist and all that you can be. Life is in fact too short.

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